Questions 1. A computer memory contains:



1. A computer memory contains:

a. Instructions only.
b. data only
c. both instructions and data.
d. Neither instructions nor data.

2. Because we wish to allow each ASCII code to occupy one location in memory, most memories are _____ addressable.

c. WORD (16 bits)
d. DOUBLEWORD (32 bits)

3. Circuit A is a 1-bit adder; circuit B is a 1 bit multiplier.

a. Circuit A has more gates than circuit B
b. Circuit B has more gates than circuit A
c. Circuit A has the same number of gates as circuit B

(Hint: Construct the truth table for the adder and the multiplier)

4. The decimal digit 5 can be represented as a bit string:

a. 00000000000101
b. 000101
c. 00110101
d. All of the above

True or False

5. T F The time taken to access registers is less than the time taken to access memory.

6. T F It is possible for a 3:8 decoder to have 3 out of the eight outputs asserted.

7. T F For a logic circuit to work as a storage element it is necessary that the output be fed back to
the input.

8. T F English can be used as a high level programming language because one can state instructions

Short Answer:

9. What does this circuit do? Show your work.

10. An algorithm is a step by step procedure that is guaranteed to terminate, such that each step is precisely stated and be can carried out by the computer. Dr. Yat and his class are trying to decide who will take the new Institute of Technology dog for a walk. Dr. Yat suggests that they flip a coin and pulls a quarter out of his pocket. The class does not trust Dr. Yat (since he is notoriously lazy) and suspects that the quarter is weighted to favor a particular outcome when tossed. The class suggests the following procedure to fairly determine who will take the dog for a walk.
1. Flip a quarter twice.
2. If the outcome is heads on the first flip and tails on the second, then the class will walk the
3. If the outcome is tails on the first flip and heads on the second, Dr. Yat will walk the dog.
4. If both outcomes are the same, then we flip twice again.

Is this procedure an algorithm?

11. Define a new 8 bit floating point format with 1 sign bit, 3 bits of exponent using an excess 3 code (that is a bias of 3) and 4 bits for the fraction. Assume a leading 1 to the left of the decimal for the fraction. If xE5 is the bit pattern for a number is the 8 bit floating point format, what value does it have? Express as a decimal number.

12. Recall that the adder was built with individual slices that produced a sum bit and carryout bit based on the two operand bits A and B and the carryin bit. We called this a full adder. Suppose we have a 3 to 8 decoder and 2 six input OR gates (shown below). Can they be connected so that we have a full adder? Show your work. Hint: If an input to an OR gate is not needed, put an input 0 on the line and it will not affect the outcome.

13. After looking over the ASCII table, you notice in hex that 0 is x30, 1 is x31 … and 9 is x39. Describe at least 2 ways you convert the ASCII code to a digital numeric equivalent of the number 0-9 using you creativity. If you can come up with more than 2 it will be worth extra credit.

14. Simplify: Not (A . B)
(1 . x) xor 1

15. Subtract 3 from 15 using 2 complement. Show all of your work in binary

16. Multiply 1011 x 101 Check your work.

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