Old Testament Survey, Part 1 Answers to Quiz Questions


Old Testament Survey, Part 1 Answers to Quiz Questions
Student Workbook 79
Part 1
Prepared by
Rev Peter G Howe
M.A., B.Th., Dip. Th.
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Letter to Student
Module Introduction…………………………………………………………………………………………………..i
Session 1 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….1
Beginnings (Genesis 1-11)
Session 2 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….6
The Patriarchs (Geneses 12 – 50)
Session 3 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..11
Moses and the Exodus (Exodus – Deuteronomy)
Session 4 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..18
Conquest and Occupation of Canaan (Joshua, Judges)
Session 5 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..23
From Theocracy to Monarchy ─Samuel and Saul (1 Samuel)
Session 6 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..29
The Reign of David
Session 7 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..36
The Reign of Solomon (1 Kings 2-11; II Chronicles 1-9
Session 8 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..42
The Northern Kingdom (I Kings 12 ─ II Kings 17)
Session 9 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..49
The Southern Kingdom (Judah) ─Rehoboam to Jotham (I Kings 12─II Kings 25)
Session 10……………………………………………………………………………………………………57
The Southern Kingdom (Judah) ─Ahaz to Zedekiah (I Kings 12 to II Kings 25)
Session 11……………………………………………………………………………………………………65
Exile and Return (II Chronicles 36; Ezra 1; Nehemiah)
Session 12……………………………………………………………………………………………………75
Answers to Quiz Questions ……………………………………………………………………………79
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Letter to Student
Dear Student
Welcome to Old Testament Survey—Part 1! During the next twelve sessions we will be
working our way through the records of the major events and characters of the Old Testament.
The study of Old Testament history need not be the “ dry-as-dust ” activity it is sometimes made
out to be, for it confronts us with the mighty deeds and words of the God “ to Whom we must
give account ” (Hebrews 4:13 [NIV], emphasis added). For the Christian, therefore, who wants
to hear God’s voice amid the clamour of this age, the study of the Old Testament can never be
purely academic.
But there is a second reason for this. In the Old Testament we meet people just like ourselves.
True, their customs and culture may in many ways be totally foreign to us; but they have the
same struggles, feel the same joys and sorrows, and respond to the same crises in ways that are
typical of people in every age and place. That is why the Old Testament can speak to us with
such directness and freshness.
My prayer for you as you embark upon this module is that your love for the Lord and this
portion of His Word will be deepened, and that you will catch the heartbeat of the God Who
directs, delivers and, where necessary, disciplines His people.
May God richly bless you as you apply yourself to the study of this formative and indispensable
part of His Word.
Yours in His Service
Peter G. Howe
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Module Introduction
Overview of your Biblical Studies
Aim of this Module
This is the first module of an introduction to the Old Testament. Its purpose is to
familiarize the student with the major events, persons and themes of the Old
Testament. The portion of the Old Testament covered by this module is the historical
portion, comprising the books from Genesis to Nehemiah.
You will observe that the module material includes frequent Scripture references.
Students are strongly urged to read the material with Bible in hand, and to refer to the
passages cited.
The material has been written as an aid to the reading of the Old Testament, not as a
substitute for it.
By the end of this module the student will:
i) be familiar with the major events and characters of the Old Testament
ii) understand the basic themes presented
iii) have read a major portion of the Old Testament
iv) know where to locate in the Old Testament the most important events
What you will need for this module
i) This workbook
ii) Hi-liter pen to mark your textbook and notes
iii) Text books as listed below
iv) A quiet place to work (preferably the same place each time)
Text Books
i) The New International Version of the Bible (NIV) or the New Living
Translation (NLT) are highly recommended, though the Revised Standard
Version (RSV), the New American Standard Bible (NASB), and the New King
James Version (NKJV) are also quite suitable.
ii) Introduction to Old Testament History by Peter G Howe (2011)
Additional Books Recommended (but not required)
The following resources will be found to be helpful if the student has time to do some
extra reading.
New Unger’s Bible Dictionary, Merrill F Unger, (Moody Press, 2006)
New International Bible Commentary, F F Bruce, General Editor (Zondervan
Publishing) 1994.
New International Bible Dictionary edited by J D Douglas and Merrill Tenney
(Zondervan Publishing, 1992)
The New Bible Dictionary (3rd ed), Marshall Millard, Packer, Wiseman (IVP
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The Old Testament and Christian Living, John Wilson (Anglican Information
Office, 1981).
Zondervan Bible Commentary, F F Bruce, General Editor (Zondervan
Publishing) 2008.
Everything you want to know about the Bible, by Ben Shaw & Peter Downey
(Zondervan 2005)—A highly recommended companion volume with a
delightful dash of humour.
Assessment Tasks
You will be assessed in two areas:
1) Four tests
2) Workbook
Students are required to achieve a “satisfactory” result,
which is defined as 7 out of 10.
OTS1 1. Tests
Please note: Workbook and Textbook are not allowed for these tests.
Test 1: At end of Session 3 (covering Sessions 1 to 3)
Test 2: At end of Session 6 (covering Sessions 4 to 6)
Test 3: At end of Session 9 (covering Sessions 7 to 9)
Test 4: At end of Session 12 (covering Sessions 1 – 12)
(Students are permitted an unmarked Bible for Test 4 only)
These tests are all designed to be part of your learning experience and will
bring together the various features of the module. Please don’t be afraid of
them, but treat them as the positive learning experience that they are.
OTS1 2. Workbook
You will also receive credit for your completed Workbook, including the
Application Questions and the Quiz at the end of each session. (These
quizzes are not counted towards your grade for the module but are there to
help you in the learning process). The answers are provided in the back of
the Workbook for your assistance—wait till you have completed the quiz
before looking at the answers.
Your Workbook is to be submitted for checking that the work has been
Extra Notes regarding your Workbook
In studying the Old Testament it is easy to get stuck in a mass of detail. As
the module is meant to give an overview, it is best not to try to find answers
for everything. When reading the set passages, try to note the broad themes
running through the narrative.
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If you have time and access to reference books such as Bible handbooks,
dictionaries and commentaries, you may find it helpful to look them up. But
remember this is a “survey” module so beware of becoming too involved
with detail.
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Session 1
Beginnings (Genesis 1-11)
Your work for this session is to:
 Read Genesis Chapters 1 – 4, 6 – 9, and 11. Tick box when completed 
 Read the Introduction and Chapter 1 of your text book
Tick box when completed 
Quickly scan Genesis 1.
Answer TRUE or FALSE to these questions:
1. The purpose of these chapters is to provide a scientific
account of the origin of the universe.
2. Genesis begins by assuming the existence of God. TRUE/FALSE
3. The chief purpose of the creation accounts is to tell us what
life was like in the beginning.
4. Merely by speaking, God brought all things into being. TRUE/FALSE
5. God created man in His image because He was lonely and
wanted fellowship with man.
6. Genesis states that the universe was made by God out of
7. The creation account challenges the view that the universe
is controlled by impersonal forces.
8. Genesis 1 supports the view that God was well pleased with
His handiwork.
Adam and Eve
Now answer the following questions based on Genesis 2.
1. Name the one thing man was not permitted to do.
2. What would be the consequence of disobedience?
3. What was the one thing in creation that was “not good” before the fall (v. 18)?
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4. What did God do about it?
5. In what verse(s) do we find the basis for marriage as a divine institution
(compare with Mark 10: 6-9)?
The Fall and Its Consequence
Read Genesis 3 and 4 again, and answer the following:
1. The serpent succeeded in deceiving the woman (3:1-4) by focusing on the one
thing she could not have instead of all God had given her. Do you see that
pattern today in your life and in the life of others?
Tick box when you have thought about it. 
2. What did the serpent promise her if she ate of the forbidden fruit (3:5)?
3. Having eaten, what did the man and woman discover (3:7)?
4. What was the result of their disobedience?
a) (3:8-10)
b) (3:11-13)
c) (3:16)
d) (3:17-19)
5. Why were the man and woman banished from the Garden?
The Flood
Quickly scan Genesis 6 – 9.
1. Locate and write out, the verse in Genesis 6 which describes how wicked man
had become
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2. How did the Lord God feel about the extent of man’s wickedness?
3. What did He decide to do about it?
4. a) Note every verse in Genesis Chapters 7 and 8 in which a reference to a
particular time (day, week, month, year) occurs. Would you say that these
references point to a myth or to a story about the Flood that really
happened? _________________________________________________
b) For how long did rain fall on the earth? ____________________________
c) For how long was the earth covered with water?_____________________
5. After Noah and his family came out of the ark, what promise did God make?
6. a) In Genesis 9:8-17 what did God establish with Noah?
b) What was to be its sign? _______________________________________
7. Compare Genesis 4: 9-12 with Genesis 9: 5-6. What do these verses indicate
concerning the value God places on human life? ________________________
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Application Questions
The focus in this module is on truth about God, our world and ourselves as we discover
it in scripture. However, truth always needs to be applied, so review the lesson for this
session and see what principles fit with your life.
For Sessions 1 & 2, samples have been provided. You may wish to add your own:
What aspects can inform your praise and prayers?
Our destiny is in the hands of an intelligent, powerful and loving Designer,
not in some random, undirected process
What encouragements do you see?
God has created us in his image, i.e., with the capacity to relate to Him
What warnings can you recognize?
Our sin has brought brokenness, disorder and death into God’s world. It still
What promises can you claim?
After the Flood, the Lord promised never to flood the whole earth again.
Spend some time now looking back over your work for this session
in preparation for a quiz.
Try to answer the questions without referring to any notes or books.
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1. The chief purpose of the creation accounts is to tell us what life was like in the
beginning. TRUE/FALSE
2. Man has been given dominion over the rest of creation. TRUE/FALSE
3. The teaching of Genesis 2 expands the teaching of Genesis 1. TRUE/FALSE
4. The earth was completely covered with water for 150 days. TRUE/FALSE
5. The Flood Story is a fictional account of how angry God was with man.
6. Noah had three sons named ………………., ………………, and ………………….
7. Adam and Eve’s eldest son ……………… was a farmer and their second son
…………………. was a shepherd.
8. On what day did God create the land animals? ………………..
9. The bird that finally returned to Noah with an olive leaf was a ………………………..
10. As soon as Noah left the ark he
Turn now to the back of your workbook to the Answer section
and check your work.
Are you pleased with your result?
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Session 2
The Patriarchs (Genesis 12 – 50)
This session read
 Genesis Chapters 12-22; 24; 27-29; 31-33; 37; 39-45
Tick box when completed 
 Chapter 2 of your textbook. Tick box when completed 
Abraham’s Call
This session we will look first at the life of Abraham. Quickly scan Genesis 11:27-
13:18 again. Answer these questions.
1. What was Abram called upon to do? __________________________________
2. What was God’s purpose in calling him (12:3)? _________________________
3. Why did Abram go down to Egypt? ___________________________________
4. Why do you think the Lord intervened in the way that He did (12:17)?
5. Why did Abram and Lot need to part company? _________________________
6. What reassurances did the Lord give to Abram after he had parted from Lot?
“ There’s Nothing Like Waiting To Test Us ”
Quickly scan Genesis 15 – 17.
Answer the following:
1. Abraham had resigned himself to adopting his household servant as his heir
(Genesis 15:2-3). What assurance does the Lord give to him?
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2. In Genesis 15:1-8 Abraham expresses difficulty in being able to accept that
God’s promises will be fulfilled. Suggest reasons for this. __________________
3. How does the Lord respond to Abraham’s enquiry in Genesis 15:8?
4. In accordance with the customs of the times, Sarah took steps to build a family
through Hagar, her Egyptian maidservant. Suggest reasons why Abraham
agreed with this course of action.
5. Apart from the morality of this action and the domestic discord resulting from it,
how did it show lack of faith in God’s promise?
6. In Genesis 17 what is to be the sign of the Lord’s covenant with Abraham?
Promise Fulfilled
Quickly scan Genesis 21:1-21
1. Compare Genesis 12:4 with Genesis 21:5. How long did Abraham and Sarah
have to wait before Isaac was born? ____________ years.
2. Though Isaac was the promised son, what does God’s treatment of Hagar and
Ishmael reveal about God’s character? ________________________________
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Faith’s Supreme Test
Quickly scan Genesis 22:1-19
1. Suggest some reasons why Abraham would have found God’s command a
particularly severe test for his faith ___________________________________
2. What fresh aspect of God’s character did Abraham learn about from this
experience (see verse 14)? _________________________________________
A Wife for Isaac
Quickly scan Genesis 24
1. What qualities in Abraham’s servant do you admire most? _________________
2. In what ways does this exquisite story illustrate the charge: “ In all your ways
acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight ” (Proverbs 3:6)?
Quickly scan Genesis 27 – 29
How does Jacob in his dealings with his uncle Laban illustrate the biblical
principle: “ Whatever a man sows, that he shall also reap ” (Galatians 6:7)?
Quickly scan Genesis 45:4-8
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Complete the sentence: Though not absolving his brothers of responsibility for
their actions, Joseph preferred to focus their attention on something far more
significant, namely, _______________________________________________
Application Questions
The focus in this module is on truth about God, our world and ourselves as we discover
it in scripture. However, truth always needs to be applied, so review the lesson for this
session and see what principles fit with your life. This is the last set of examples
provided for you. From the next session you will be required to do your own. You
may also wish to add your own below.
What aspects can inform your praise and prayers?
In calling Abram to go to another land, God was using him and his
descendants to bless all peoples on earth.
What encouragements do you see?
God persisted in his plan to use Abram, even though Abram’s faith faltered
at times, and God’s plan was put in jeopardy.
What warnings can you recognize?
Jacob paid dearly for deceiving his father Isaac. His crafty uncle Laban later
did the same to him.
What promises can you claim?
Though Joseph was in an Egyptian jail (through no fault of his own), the
Lord was still with him. The Lord promises to be with us, too.
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Revise your notes quickly now
Answer the following Quiz questions without referring to books or notes.
1. When a famine developed in Canaan, Abraham went to __________________
2. Isaac was Abraham’s _____________________________________________
3. Hagar’s son was called ____________________________________________
4. Jacob had his vision of a ladder reaching up to heaven at__________________
5. Joseph’s mother was _____________________________________________
6. How many sons did Jacob have? ____________________________________
7. Joseph finally was brought before Pharaoh with the help of
8. To obtain Rachel as his wife, Jacob had to work for his uncle Laban for ______
9. Jacob’s name was changed to ______________________________________
10. In what direction was Abraham travelling when he left Haran?
Turn to the answers in the back of your workbook and mark your work.
Read over the Scripture portion again where your answers were incorrect.
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Session 3
Moses and the Exodus (Exodus –Deuteronomy)
This session read
 Exodus 1 – 24 Tick box when completed 
 Numbers 10:11-36; 11 – 14 and 20; 21:1-22: 1; 27:12-23
Tick box when completed 
 Chapter 3 of your textbook Tick box when completed 
Moses’ Preparation and Call
Quickly scan Exodus 1 – 4.
1. The pharaoh tried to limit the Israelite population by (1:11-
When that failed, he ordered the Hebrew midwives to (1:15-16)
But when the midwives refused to carry out the pharaoh’s order, he gave orders
2. Compare Exodus 2 with Stephen’s account in Acts 7: 20-29. What factors
played an important part in Moses’ education and training for future leadership?
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3. Compare Exodus 2:23 with Acts 7:30. How long did Moses spend in the land of
Locate and note verse references in Exodus 2, which show that God had not
forgotten the Israelites in their plight. ___________________
4. How many times did Moses express reluctance to obey God’s call? …… Note
the verse references
Compare these with the incident recorded in Exodus 2:11-15. What change has
taken place in Moses, and what do you think might account for it?
5. Why did the Lord give Moses the three signs? (Exodus 4:1-9)
Confrontation of Pharaoh
Read Exodus 5, 7 – 11 again.
1. Compare the pharaoh’s contemptuous reply to Moses (Exodus 5:2) with the
Lord’s statement in Exodus 7:5. What lesson were the coming plagues
designed to teach (See Chapter 12:12)? ______________________________
2. How many plagues were there_______________________________________
3. Were the Israelites spared any of the plagues? _________________________
Quickly scan Exodus 12:1-42
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1. What was it that caused the pharaoh finally to relent?
2. Why was the Passover feast instituted? _______________________________
3. What Christian festival most closely corresponds to the Passover? (See John
1:29; 1 Corinthians 5:7-8; 1 Peter 1:19)
Exodus and Covenant
Read Exodus 14:1 – 15:21; 19:1 – 20:21
1. What was the reaction of the Israelites when they knew that they were being
chased by the Egyptians? __________________________________________
2. How did the Lord part the waters in order to enable the Israelites to cross on dry
ground? ________________________________________________________
3. What part of the Lord’s nature was thus powerfully impressed upon the people’s
minds (14:30-31; 15:1-18)? ________________________________________
4. Read Exodus 19:3-6
a) For what special calling were the people of Israel chosen? ____________
b) What was required of them? ____________________________________
5. Note the instructions given in Exodus 19:10-15. What parts of God’s nature
were these instructions intended to emphasise? _________________________
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6. Why did the Lord make the statement of Exodus 20:2 before the Ten
From Sinai to Jordan
Read Numbers 10:11-36; Chapters 13, 14 and 22:1
1. Approximately how long did the people of Israel spend at Mt Sinai before
moving on (Numbers 10:11)? _______________________________________
2. Why did ten of the twelve spies bring a negative report about the Promised
Land? _________________________________________________________
3. Name the two spies who were granted permission to enter the Promised Land.
4. Where did the Israelites camp before preparing to cross over to the Promised
Land? Find the place on a map. _____________________________________
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Application Questions
The focus in this module is on truth about God, our world and ourselves as we discover
it in scripture. However, truth always needs to be applied. For this reason here is an
opportunity to review the lesson for this session and see what principles fit in your life.
(There’s no need for you to comment on all of the questions below).
What aspects can inform your praise and prayers?
What encouragements do you see?
What warnings can you recognize?
What promises can you claim?
Take some time now to look over your notes in preparation for the Quiz.
Answer the Quiz questions without looking at your books or notes.
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1. The Israelites in Egypt settled and prospered in the fertile grazing area of
2. Of the twelve spies, only two were permitted to enter the Promised Land. Their
names were __________________________ and _______________________
3. If an animal was used for sacrifice, requirements stated it had to be
4. The punishment that resulted from the reaction to the report of the spies sent
into Canaan was _________________________________________________
5. From which city did Moses send twelve men to spy out Canaan?
6. Moses was from the tribe of ________________________________________
7. Where did God speak to Moses in a burning bush?
8. For how many years did the Israelites travel in the wilderness ______________
9. Where were the Ten Commandments given and to whom?
10. Name Moses’ brother and sister _____________________________________
Turn to the answers in the back of your workbook and mark your work.
Do you need to read some of the Scripture portions once more?
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Test 1
(covering Sessions 1 – 3)
Spend some time now looking over your notes
in preparation for the Test. This test is available from your Trainer/Assessor or your
college and must be taken without looking at books or notes. An unmarked Bible is
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Session 4
Conquest and Occupation of Canaan
(Joshua, Judges)
This session read
 Joshua Chapters 1 – 11 and 23 – 24 Tick box when completed 
 Judges Chapters 1 – 7; 11 and 13 – 16 Tick box when completed 
 Chapter 4 of your textbook. Tick box when completed 
Quickly scan Joshua Chapters 1 – 11 and 23-24.
1. Why is the drying up of the Jordan (Joshua Chapters 3 and 4) regarded as a
miracle when it appears to happen from time to time? ____________________
2. What happened before the walls of Jericho collapsed? (Joshua 6)
3. Why is Rahab mentioned in Matthew 1:5?
4. What was Achan’s sin (Joshua 7)? ___________________________________
5. List instances in these passages in which disobedience or failure to ask God’s
will featured. What were the results? _________________________________
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6. Name the cities defeated and indicate whether any survivors remained. Find
these places on a map.
7. What would have happened if the Israelites allied themselves with the native
Canaanites? (Joshua 23)
Quickly scan Judges Chapters 1 – 7; 11 and 13 – 16.
1. The book of Judges records Israel’s failure to drive out the Canaanites.
2. Barak’s timidity was due to a lack of trust in the Lord. TRUE/FALSE
3. God told Gideon to reduce his army to attack the Midianites because He didn’t
want any cowards. TRUE/FALSE
4. Samson was unaware that he had betrayed his calling when he permitted
Delilah to rob him of the sign of his consecration to the Lord. TRUE/FALSE
5. The four outstanding judges were Deborah, Gideon, Jephthah, and Samson. List
each of these judges and give their good points and their bad points, if any.
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6. Referring to the Old Testament narratives, Paul wrote: “ These things happened
to them as examples and were written down as warnings for us …”
(1 Corinthians 10:11, NIV)
What warnings and lessons are there for us in the story of Samson?
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Application Questions
The focus in this module is on truth about God, our world and ourselves as we discover
it in scripture. However, truth always needs to be applied. For this reason here is an
opportunity to review the lesson for this session and see what principles fit in your life.
(There’s no need for you to comment on all of the questions below).
What aspects can inform your praise and prayers?
What encouragements do you see?
What warnings can you recognize?
What promises can you claim?
Take some time now to look over your notes in preparation for a Quiz.
nswer the Quiz questions without referring to your books or notes
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1. Whom did Moses commission to lead the Israelites across the Jordan and into
the land of Canaan? ______________________________________________
2. Name the woman who gave sanctuary to the two men sent to spy out Jericho
and the land. ____________________________________________________
3. What happened that enabled the people to cross the Jordan river?
4. Name the man whose sin caused the Israelites to suffer their first defeat in the
campaign to occupy Canaan. _______________________________________
5. Who were the people who tricked Joshua and the Israelites into making a treaty
with them, and thus allowing them to live? _____________________________
6. Towards the end of Joshua’s life, to which site did he assemble the tribes of
Israel in order to renew the covenant? ________________________________
7. Which left-handed judge from the tribe of Benjamin killed Eglon, king of Moab?
8. Under whose joint leadership did the Israelites defeat the Canaanite King Jabin
and his captain, Sisera? ___________________. and ____________________
9. With how many men did Gideon attack and put to flight the Midianite raiders?
10. Against which group of people did Samson perform his great feats of strength?
Turn to the answers in the back of your workbook and mark your work.
Do you need to read some of the Scripture portions once more?
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Session 5
From Theocracy to Monarchy ─ Samuel and Saul
(1 Samuel)
This session read
 1 Samuel Chapters 1 – 20 and 31 Tick when completed 
 2 Samuel 1:1 – 5:3. Tick when completed 
 Chapter 5 of your Textbook. Tick when completed 
Eli and Samuel
Quickly scan 1 Samuel Chapters 1 – 4.
1. The names of Samuel’s parents were: _______________ and _____________
2. Of what sins were Eli’s sons, Hophni and Phinehas, guilty?
3. Where did Eli go wrong in bringing up his sons, and what might he have done
4. a) What error did the Israelites make in taking the Ark of the Covenant with
them into battle against the Philistines?
b) Can you identify any present-day examples of this same kind of thinking?
5. What does the name “Ichabod” mean, and why was it used?
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The Ministry of Samuel and the Request for a King
Quickly scan 1 Samuel Chapters 5 – 8
1. Samuel is generally regarded as the last of the judges. But what else did he do
during his ministry? _______________________________________________
2. Why did the Israelites want a king? ___________________________________
3. Why was Samuel reluctant to grant to their request for a king?
Saul as King
Quickly scan 1 Samuel Chapters 9 – 15
1. What was Saul doing when he met Samuel?
2. What qualities are displayed by Saul in his rescue of Jabesh-Gilead from the
3. a) In Samuel’s final address to the nation, what did he promise to do for them
after handing over the reins of leadership?
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b) What ministry is still open to those who have retired from active service for
the Lord?
4. a) Why was it wrong for Saul to offer up the burnt offering before engaging
the Philistines in
b) What was happening to Saul’s army, that caused him to take the action
that he did?
5. a) In Saul’s campaign against the Amalekites, what was the sin that showed
his unfitness to be king?
b) Consider Samuel’s words in 1 Samuel 15:22-23. Is Samuel suggesting
that sacrifice is unimportant?
What do you make of his words?
Saul and David
Quickly scan 1 Samuel Chapters 16 – 20
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1. a) What great truth was brought home to Samuel when he went to
Bethlehem to anoint Saul’s successor?
b) How does this truth apply to appointments to offices within the church
2. What was the main evidence that God had chosen David and rejected Saul?
3. Locate and note the verse which record David’s words to the Philistine, Goliath
What is the significance for Israel (and for us) of David’s victory over the giant?
4. What reasons are given for Saul’s jealousy and fear of David?
5. On what errand did Saul send David, in the hope that he would be killed?
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6. How did Michal, Saul’s daughter prevent David from being killed?
7. By what sign from Jonathan was David to know whether it was safe to remain in
Saul’s court?
Saul Dies and David Becomes King
Quickly scan 1 Samuel 31 and 2 Samuel 1:1 – 5:3
1. Where did Saul and his sons meet their deaths? ________________________
Find the place on the map in your Textbook.
2. For how long did David reign in Hebron as king of Judah? __________ years.
3. Whom did Abner, the commander of Saul’s army, set up as rival to King David?
4. Where was David anointed as king over all Israel? _______________________
Find the location on the map in your Textbook (page 25).
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Application Questions
The focus in this module is on truth about God, our world and ourselves as we discover
it in scripture. However, truth always needs to be applied. For this reason here is an
opportunity to review the lesson for this session and see what principles fit in your life.
(There’s no need for you to comment on all of the questions below).
What aspects can inform your praise and prayers?
What encouragements do you see?
What warnings can you recognize?
What promises can you claim?
Take some time now to look over your notes in preparation for the Quiz.
Answer the Quiz questions without referring to your books or notes
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1. The names of Samuel’s parents were _________________ and ____________
2. Who served as priest at the sanctuary at Shiloh? ________________________
3. What did the Israelites take with them into battle against the Philistines, hoping
that its presence would guarantee victory? _____________________________
4. Who was Israel’s first king? _________________________________________
5. The inhabitants of ____________________________ never forgot how Saul had
come to their defence when threatened by the Ammonites.
6. Saul disobeyed God by failing to carry out the total extermination of the
_________________________ .
7. What was David doing when Samuel came to anoint him as king?
8. Saul’s daughter __________________ was in love with David and was given to
him in marriage.
9. After Saul’s death, his son ________________________ became king of Israel
in Gilead.
10. David reigned for ________________________ as king of Judah.
Now mark your work. The answers are in the back of your workbook.
Do you need to read some of the Scripture portions once more?
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Session 6
The Reign of David
This session read
 2 Samuel Chapters 5 – 20 Tick when completed 
 1 Kings Chapter 1. Tick when completed 
 Chapter 6 of your Textbook. Tick when completed 
The Early Years
Quickly scan 2 Samuel Chapters 5 – 8.
1. What did the Philistines do when they heard that David had been anointed king
over Israel?
2. Which city became the political and religious capital of the nation?
3. Previously this city had been an almost impregnable fortress. Who were its
previous occupants?
4. When the Ark of the Covenant was being brought into the city, what was David
5. What was the attitude of his wife, Michal, to his actions?
6. Read 2 Samuel 7:12-16. What did God promise David in the covenant, which
He announced through the prophet Nathan?
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7. a) Note the names of the neighbouring nations defeated by David.
Locate as many of them as you can on a map (See Textbook page 25).
b) What reasons does the writer give for David’s success?
The Ammonite War
Quickly scan 2 Samuel Chapters 9 – 12.
1. Why did David show kindness to Mephibosheth? ________________________
2. How did Hanun, the Ammonite king, treat David’s messengers?
3. Why was Hanun’s conduct inexcusable? ______________________________
4. What was the result of his action? ____________________________________
5. Where should David have been when he first saw Bathsheba?
6. What were the tragic consequences of David’s attempts to cover up his sin with
Bathsheba? _____________________________________________________
7. Whom did God use to confront David with his sin? _______________________
8. How was David persuaded to pronounce judgment upon himself?
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9. What happened to the child born of David’s illicit union with Bathsheba?
Absalom’s Revolt
Quickly scan 2 Samuel 13 – 18.
1. Why did Absalom hate Amnon? _____________________________________
2. How did Absalom bring about Amnon’s death? __________________________
3. Where did Absalom seek refuge after his crime? ________________________
4. How long did he stay there? ________________________________________
5. What was the purpose behind the appearance of the woman of Tekoa before
the king? _______________________________________________________
6. Who was behind it? _______________________________________________
7. What natural endowment brought Absalom attention and put him high in public
esteem? _______________________________________________________
8. How did Absalom succeed in winning the hearts of so many of the people?
9. Why did David flee Jerusalem when he heard that Israel had defected to
Absalom? ______________________________________________________
10. a) Who was Ittai? ______________________________________________
b) Locate and write out his great affirmation of loyalty and devotion to the
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(Can we say the same to our Lord?)
11. Name David’s adviser who had sided with Absalom?
12. Whom did David send to frustrate the advice Absalom was receiving?
13. Compare 15:31 with 17:14. How was David’s prayer answered?
14. a) What did Ahithophel do when he saw that his advice had not been
b) Can you suggest a possible reason for his doing this?
15. Name the two young men who were staying just outside Jerusalem and relaying
messages to David.
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16. a) What was the outcome of the battle between Absalom’s forces and
b) What happened to Absalom himself?
David’s Return and Restoration
Quickly scan 2 Samuel Chapters 19 and 20.
1. Why did Joab find it necessary to rebuke David so forcibly? (See Chapter 19:1–8)
2. Whom did David appoint as commander of his army? ____________________
3. What happened to him? ___________________________________________
4. During the bickering between Judah and Israel, who tried to instigate another
revolt against David? ______________________________________________
5. How did his revolt end? ____________________________________________
The Struggle for Succession
Scan 1 Kings Chapter 1.
1. In David’s declining years, who tried to lay claim to his throne? _____________
2. Who was David’s designated successor? ______________________________
3. What danger threatened Bathsheba and her son Solomon, if Adonijah’s bid for
the throne succeeded? ____________________________________________
4. Where did Adonijah flee after receiving the report of Solomon’s coronation?
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Application Questions
The focus in this module is on truth about God, our world and ourselves as we discover
it in scripture. However, truth always needs to be applied. For this reason here is an
opportunity to review the lesson for this session and see what principles fit in your life.
(There’s no need for you to comment on all of the questions below).
What aspects can inform your praise and prayers?
What encouragements do you see?
What warnings can you recognize?
What promises can you claim?
Take some time now to look over your notes in preparation for a Quiz.
Answer the Quiz questions without looking at your books or notes
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1. Who were the previous inhabitants of the city of Jerusalem?
2. One of David’s first official acts was to bring the _________________________
______________________________ to Jerusalem from Kiriah-Jearim.
3. Through whom did David receive God’s promise of a continuing dynasty and an
everlasting kingdom? _____________________________
4. Who was the crippled man to whom David showed special kindness?
5. Joab was leading David’s army against the _________________________
while David remained in his palace in Jerusalem.
6. Because of his devotion to duty, __________________ would not go home to
his wife, Bathsheba, even though David invited him to do so.
7. By carefully exploiting the people’s grievances, _________________________
attracted a large following and had himself proclaimed king at Hebron.
8. The Lord used the counsel given by ______________________ to defeat the
counsel offered by ________________________
9. _______________ rebuked David for allowing his personal grief over his son’s
death to come between himself and his loyal followers.
10. Not long before David’s death, ___________________________ tried to set
himself up as king instead of Solomon.
Turn to the answers in the back of your workbook and mark your work.
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Test 2
(covering Sessions 4 – 6)
Spend some time now looking over your notes
in preparation for the Test.
This test is available from your Trainer/Assessor or your college.
and must be taken without looking at books or notes. An unmarked Bible is
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Session 7
The Reign of Solomon
(1 Kings 2-11; II Chronicles 1-9)
This session read:
 1 Kings, Chapters 2 – 11 Tick when completed 
 Chapter 7 of your Textbook. Tick when completed 
Solomon Consolidates His Power and Organizes His Kingdom
Quickly scan 1 Kings Chapters 2 – 4.
1. a) What counsel did David give to Solomon regarding Joab?
b) Why?
2. a) Who was Abishag (compare with 1 Kings 1:1-4)?
b) How did Solomon interpret Adonijah’s request that Abishag be given to
him in marriage?
c) What happened to Adonijah?
3. a) When Solomon went to Gibeon, what did he request of the Lord?
b) What episode demonstrated that Solomon’s request had been granted?
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4. a) Into how many administrative districts was the kingdom divided?
b) What did each district have to provide?
c) What impression is conveyed by the list of daily provisions for Solomon
and his court officials (1 Kings 4:22-23)?
5. For what was Solomon renowned by all the surrounding nations?
Solomon’s Building Projects
Quickly scan 1 Kings Chapters 5 – 8.
1. In his preparations for building the temple, on whom did Solomon rely to provide
the architectural skill and many of the materials?
2. How was the timber to be transported?
3. a) How did Solomon recruit workers from the Israelite population for his
building projects?
b) How many Israelites were involved?
c) For what proportion of their time did they have to be away from their
4. What were the dimensions of the temple?
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5. In what part of the temple was the Ark of the Covenant to be housed?
6. How long did the temple take to build?
7. How long did Solomon’s palace take to build?
8. What great event took place when the temple had been completed?
9. a) In his dedicatory prayer (1 Kings 8:22-53), what particular petitions did
Solomon make?
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b) On what grounds did he base his prayer?
Solomon’s Wealth—And His Folly
Quickly scan 1 Kings Chapters 9 – 11
1. a) When the Lord appeared to Solomon again, what conditions did He lay
down so that David’s throne would last forever?
b) What would happen if Solomon or his descendants disobeyed?
2. Why did Solomon give twenty towns in Galilee to Hiram, king of Tyre?
3. Where did Solomon build his merchant vessels for the Red Sea trade?
Find the place on the map in your Textbook (page 25).
4. What effect did Solomon’s wisdom, wealth and magnificence have on the
Queen of Sheba?
5. Fill in how many:
a) Solomon accumulated ________ chariots and ________ horses.
b) Solomon had _______ wives of royal birth and ________ concubines.
6. a) List the various nations from which Solomon’s wives had come.
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b) Why were such marriages forbidden?
c) Compare 1 Kings 8:60-61 with 1 Kings 11:4-8. What had happened to
7. Which two nations rebelled against Solomon’s rule?
8. What position of responsibility did Solomon give to Jeroboam?
9. Name the prophet who told Jeroboam he would rule over the northern tribes?
10. Where did Jeroboam flee when Solomon tried to get rid of him?
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Application Questions
The focus in this module is on truth about God, our world and ourselves as we discover
it in scripture. However, truth always needs to be applied. For this reason here is an
opportunity to review the lesson for this session and see what principles fit in your life.
(There’s no need for you to comment on all of the questions below).
What aspects can inform your praise and prayers?
What encouragements do you see?
What warnings can you recognize?
What promises can you claim?
Take some time now to look over your notes in preparation for a Quiz.
Answer the Quiz questions without referring to your books or notes
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1. ________________ Solomon’s older brother, requested that Abishag be given
to him in marriage.
2. David commanded Solomon to put _______________ to death because he had
slain Abner and Amasa in cold blood.
3. Throughout all the surrounding nations, Solomon was noted for his
______________________ .
4. ___________________ one of Solomon’s chief officials, was put in charge of
forced labour.
5. For the building of the temple, Solomon secured the cooperation of Hiram, king
of ____________________
6. Workers were conscripted from Israel to go to _________________ every third
7. The Queen of ______________ visited Solomon and was impressed with his
wisdom and wealth.
8. The greatest single weakness of Solomon’s reign was his marriage to
_____________________ wives.
9. Solomon’s reign was marked by rebellion from __________________ king of
Edom, and _________________ king of Damascus.
10. _______________________ one of Solomon’s officials, was told by Abijah the
prophet that he would rule over the northern tribes after Solomon’s death.
Turn to the answers in the back of your workbook and mark your work
Do you need to read some of the Scripture portions once more?
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Session 8
The Northern Kingdom
(I Kings 12 – II Kings 17)
This session read
 1 Kings Chapter 12; 14:1-20; 15:25 – 22:53; Tick when completed 
 2 Kings Chapters 1 and 3; 8:16 – 10:36; 13:1 – 17:41.
Tick when completed 
 Chapter 8 of your Textbook. Tick when completed 
Religious Innovations
Quickly scan 1 Kings Chapter 12; 14:1-20; 15:25 – 16:22.
1. When the kingdom divided after Solomon’s death, who became king of the
northern tribes? __________________________________________________
2. What action did the new king take to prevent his people from having to make
religious pilgrimages to Jerusalem? __________________________________
3. To whom did Jeroboam send his wife to learn the outcome of his son’s illness?
4. Of what sins was Jeroboam said by the prophet to be guilty?
5. Who was Jeroboam’s son and successor? _____________________________
6. What happened to him? ___________________________________________
7. What was the capital city of the northern kingdom during Baasha’s reign?
8. In what way did Baasha’s son, Elah, show himself unfit to be king?
9. In the civil war that followed Zimri’s death, who were the two contenders for the
throne? ________________________________________________________
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Omri’s Dynasty
Quickly scan 1 Kings 16:23 – 22:53; 2 Kings Chapters 1 & 3 and 8:16 – 9:13.
1. What new city became Omri’s capital?
2. Though secular sources show that Omri was a vigorous, able ruler who restored
international prestige to Israel, what is the Bible’s assessment of his reign?
3. Who was Jezebel?
4. What effect on religion in the land did Ahab’s marriage to Jezebel have?
5. Where did the Lord tell Elijah to go after he had pronounced a drought upon the
6. a) Where was Elijah sent after the brook had dried up?
b) What point was our Lord making by referring to this incident (see Luke 4:25
– 26)?
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7. What action had Obadiah taken to protect the Lord’s prophets from Jezebel’s
murderous attacks?
8. Why did Elijah summon Ahab and the people to Mt. Carmel?
9. Israel was trying to blend the worship of the Lord with the worship of Baal
(a practice known as ‘ syncretism ’). Locate the verse in which Elijah challenges
the people to forsake this religious ambivalence and to choose one or the other.
Write out the verse.
Do you see any attempts today to mix true worship of God with other religions?
10. What effect did the Lord’s vindication at Mt Carmel have on Jezebel?
11. Note Elijah’s complaint (1 Kings 19:14-18). What assurance did the Lord give
him that he was not the only one left?
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12. To what did the Arameans under Ben-Hadad attribute their first defeat at the
hands of Ahab and his forces?
13. Why did the Lord grant Ahab victory when Ben-Hadad again mustered his
forces to fight Israel?
14. Compare 1 Kings 21:2-3 with Numbers 36:7. Ahab’s offer seemed reasonable.
Why could Naboth not accept it?
15. Who instigated Naboth’s death, and on what pretext?
16. Name the prophet who warned Ahab against trying to recapture Ramoth-Gilead
from the Arameans.
17. How did Ahab meet his death?
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18. Where did Ahaziah send messengers to find out if he would recover from his
19. Who succeeded Ahaziah as king of Israel, and for how long did he reign?
20. Name the army commander who was anointed by one of Elisha’s prophets for
the specific purpose of overthrowing the house of Ahab.
Jehu’s Dynasty
Quickly scan 2 Kings 9:14 – 10:36; 13:1 – 15:12.
1. List all those who perished in Jehu’s brutal purge. _______________________
2. How did Jehu lure the worshippers of Baal to the one place?
3. What happened to Israel’s territory during Jehu’s reign?
4. Which nation was oppressing Israel during the reign of Jehoahaz? __________
5. Why did Elisha become angry with Jehoash for striking the ground only three
times? _________________________________________________________
6. In whose reign did Israel regain lost territory? ___________________________
7. Who was the last king of Jehu’s dynasty? ______________________________
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The Last Thirty Years
Quickly scan 2 Kings 15:13 – 17:41.
1. List the names of the remaining kings of Israel. _________________________
2. Who were the only two not to be assassinated?
3. Name the Assyrian king who attacked Israel during the reign of Pekah.
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4. What action did Shalmaneser, king of Assyria, take when Hoshea refused to
pay tribute? _____________________________________________________
5. What happened to the Israelite population?_____________________________
6. What lessons does the writer draw from the downfall of the northern kingdom
(2 Kings 17:7 – 18)? _______________________________________________
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Application Questions
The focus in this module is on truth about God, our world and ourselves as we discover
it in scripture. However, truth always needs to be applied. For this reason here is an
opportunity to review the lesson for this session and see what principles fit in your life.
(There’s no need for you to comment on all of the questions below).
What aspects can inform your praise and prayers?
What encouragements do you see?
What warnings can you recognize?
What promises can you claim?
Take some time now to look over your notes in preparation for a Quiz.
Answer the Quiz questions without looking at your books or notes
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Fill in the blanks.
1. To prevent his people from making religious pilgrimages to Jerusalem,
Jeroboam set up two golden calves at _______________ and _____________
2. Omri established his new capital city on a hill and called it _________________
3. For Israel, the most damaging effect of Ahab’s reign was his marriage to
4. Elijah summoned Ahab and the people to Mount _______________ to settle the
question of whom they should worship.
5. ________________ declined Ahab’s offer to buy his vineyard.
6. ________________ prophesied disaster for Ahab and his kingdom if he
persisted in his plan to try to recapture Ramoth-Gilead from the Arameans.
7. The revolt led by _________________ resulted in the overthrow of Omri’s
8. The Assyrian king, Tiglath Pileser III, attacked and captured the northern parts
of Israel during the reign of _________________________________________
9. When Hoshea refused to pay tribute to Assyria, Samaria was put under siege
for __________ years before it fell.
10. After the fall of Samaria, many of the Israelite population were
__________________ to various parts of the Assyrian empire.
Turn to the answers in the back of your workbook and mark your work.
Do you need to read some of the Scripture portions once more.
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Session 9
The Southern Kingdom (Judah) — Rehoboam to Jotham
(I Kings 12 – II Kings 25)
Rehoboam to Jotham
Your session for this session is to read
 1 Kings 12:1-24; 14:21 – 15:24; 22: 41 – 50 Tick when completed 
 2 Kings 8:16-27; 11:1 – 12:21; 14:1-22; 15:1-7, Chapters 32 – 38.
Tick when completed 
(Students will notice that certain Scripture portions set for this
session coincide with those set for Session 8. This is because the
material for Session 9 deals with almost the same time-span as that
for the previous session.)
 Chapter 9 of your Textbook Tick when completed 
Note: You will need to read the text with Bible in hand, and to refer
to the passages cited. The set portions for this session are only from
1 and 2 Kings, but you will benefit greatly by checking out the
references from 2 Chronicles that appear in the text.
Rehoboam, Abijah, and Asa
Quickly scan 1 Kings 12:1-24; 14:21 – 15:24.
1. Rehoboam lost the loyalty of the northern tribes because he
2. Whom did Rehoboam send to the north, presumably to force the northern tribes
back into his realm?
3. Which two tribes remained loyal to Rehoboam?
4. Who invaded and plundered Judah during Rehoboam’s reign?
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5. From the religious point of view, what happened in Judah during the reigns of
Rehoboam and Abijah?
6. What religious reforms did Asa
7. To whom did Asa appeal for help in his border dispute with Baasha of Israel?
8. What was the response to his appeal for help?
9. See 2 Chronicles Chapter 16.
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a) Asa’s move was clever and highly successful. But why was it not sound
b) How did Asa respond to Hanani’s stern rebuke?
c) In what other way did Asa show lack of faith in God in the closing years of
his reign?
Jehoshaphat, Jehoram, and Ahaziah
Quickly scan 1 Kings 22:41-50; 2 Kings 8:16-27.
With Jehoshaphat’s reign (1 Kings 22:41-50), the Chronicler goes into much more
detail (See 2 Chronicles Chapters 17 – 20).
1. Note some of the praiseworthy features of Jehoshaphat’s reign:
a) 1 Kings 22:43, 46
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b) 2 Chronicles 17: 7 – 9
c) 2 Chronicles 19: 4 – 11
2. What serious error did Jehoshaphat make (2 Chronicles 18:1)?
3. What were the effects of this error on the reign of:
a) His son, Jehoram?
b) His grandson, Ahaziah
(Compare 2 Kings 8:26-27. with 2 Chronicles 22:2-4)?
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Athaliah The Usurper, and Joash
Quickly scan 2 Kings 11:1 – 12: 21.
1. Who was Ahaziah’s rightful successor?
2. Who saved Joash from being murdered by Athaliah?
3. For how long did Athaliah rule over Judah?
4. Who arranged for Joash to be anointed and proclaimed as king?
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5. What alerted Athaliah to the fact that a coup was taking place?
6. What happened to her?
7. See 2 Kings 11:17. What do you think is the significance of Jehoiada’s action?
8. What task did Joash set about doing?
9. Can you suggest why this might have been necessary (compare with
2 Chronicles 24:7)?
10. The mishandling of money by the priests seems to be hinted at. What new
arrangements were made for the collection of money for Temple repairs?
11. a) Though Kings does not mention it, Joash later turned to idolatry
(2 Chronicles 24:17-25). What was the turning point in his reign?
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b) What does this imply about Jehoiada?
Amaziah, Uzziah, and Jotham
Quickly scan 2 Kings 14:1-22; 15:1-7, 15:32-38.
The Chronicler gives a much fuller account of Uzziah’s reign
(2 Kings 15:1-7 compare with 2 Chronicles 26:1-23).
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1. Amaziah’s challenge to Jehoash of Israel amounted to a declaration of war
(2 Kings 14:8). His action seems needless and unprovoked. What might have
motivated it (See 2 Chronicles 25:5-13)?
2. What was the attitude of Jehoash to this “ throwing down of the gauntlet ”?
3. What was the outcome of the battle that followed? _______________________
4. Read 2 Chronicles 25:14-16, and 25:20-27. For what sin of Amaziah was his
disastrous defeat a punishment? ____________________________________
5. Note Uzziah’s impressive list of achievements (2 Chronicles 26: 6-15). But what
led to his downfall? _______________________________________________
6. What did he attempt to do? _________________________________________
7. What punishment did he suffer for presuming to exercise priestly functions?
8. What is the Bible’s assessment of Jotham’s reign? ______________________
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Application Questions
The focus in this module is on truth about God, our world and ourselves as we discover
it in scripture. However, truth always needs to be applied. For this reason here is an
opportunity to review the lesson for this session and see what principles fit in your life.
(There’s no need for you to comment on all of the questions below).
What aspects can inform your praise and prayers?
What encouragements do you see?
What warnings can you recognize?
What promises can you claim?
Take some time now to look over your notes in preparation for a Quiz.
Answer the Quiz questions without looking at your books or notes
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Fill in the blanks.
1. If ……………………………. had acted on the advice given him by the elders, the
northern tribes would probably have remained loyal to him.
2. The two tribes comprising the southern kingdom, were …………………….. and
3. King …………………….. reacted in a hostile way when rebuked by the prophet
Hanani for relying on Syria’s help in his border dispute with Israel.
4. Jehoshaphat was a good king, but he made the serious mistake of allying himself
by marriage to the house of ……………………..
5. The infant Joash was the only member of the royal family to survive the campaign
by …………………………….. to destroy the whole royal family.
6. When Joash was seven years old, ……………………………… the priest had him
anointed and proclaimed as king.
7. Joash gave orders for the …………………….. to be repaired.
8. King ……………………………… of Judah foolishly challenged Jehoash of Israel to
engage him in battle, and was soundly defeated.
9. King Uzziah is credited with an impressive list of achievements, but his
…………………. was his undoing.
10. When Uzziah entered the Temple and tried to assume the role of the priests, he
was stricken with ……………………..
Turn to the answers in the back of your workbook and mark your work.
Do you need to read some of the Scripture portions once more?
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Test 3
(covering Sessions 7 – 9)
Spend some time now looking over your notes in preparation for the Test.
This test is available from your Trainer/Assessor or your college.
and must be taken without looking at books or notes.
An unmarked Bible is permitted.
NOTE: Students should note that they will not need to have a detailed
knowledge of all the kings. A working knowledge of the more important
ones will suffice.
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Session 10
The Southern Kingdom (Judah)—Ahaz to Zedekiah
(I Kings 12 to II Kings 25)
This session read:
 2 Kings Chapters 16 and 18 – 25. The parallel account of this same period is
found in 2 Chronicles Chapters 28 – 36. Tick when completed 
 Chapter 10 in your textbook. Tick when completed 
Ahaz, Hezekiah
Quickly scan 2 Kings Chapters 16 and 18 – 20 (2 Chronicles Chapters 28-32).
1. Pekah, king of Israel, and Rezin, king of Damascus, marched against Ahaz to
try to force Judah into an alliance against Assyria (2 Kings 16:5). What action
did Ahaz take?
2. What did Ahaz’s action mean for Judah?
i) (2 Kings 16:7-9)
ii) (2 Kings 16:10-
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3. What alternative had been open to Ahaz, if he had been prepared to follow it?
(see Isaiah 7:1-17)
4. What is the Bible’s assessment of his reign? (See 2 Kings 16:2-4 and compare
with 2 Chronicles 28:19-
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5. What did Hezekiah do when he became King?
i) (2 Kings 18:4)
(2 Kings 18:5,6)
iii) (2 Kings 18:7)
6. How did Sennacherib respond to Hezekiah’s actions?
7. What was Hezekiah forced to do?
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8. 2 Kings 18:17 – 19:36 may possibly be describing a subsequent campaign by
Sennacherib, late in Hezekiah’s reign.
a) The field commander’s speech in the hearing of the people on the wall is a
masterpiece of propaganda and psychological warfare (18:19-35). Note
four of the points he makes in his attempt to persuade the people to
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b) What misunderstanding of Israel’s God lay at the heart of his rhetorical
questions in verses 33-35?
9. Hezekiah’s response to the Assyrian threat is a model for all who have to cope
with intense pressure. (19:1-19)
a) What did he do when the field commander’s speech had been reported to
b) How did he respond after receiving Sennacherib’s threatening letter?
c) Can you find three basic elements in his prayer? (19:15-19)
10. In what way was the Lord’s message through Isaiah (19:20-34) an answer to
Hezekiah’s prayer?
11. In what other way was his prayer answered? (19:35-37)
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12. The two incidents recorded in 2 Kings 20 are to be dated shortly before the
Assyrian campaign of 701 BC (See 20:6,13 and compare with 18:15-16).
The visit by envoys from Babylon was motivated by more than mere concern for
Hezekiah’s health. Merodach-Baladan was undoubtedly seeking Hezekiah’s
support in forming an anti-Assyrian alliance.
a) By how many years was Hezekiah’s life extended beyond his illness?
b) Despite his faithfulness to God, in what way did Hezekiah fail in his
dealings with the Babylonian delegation?
Manasseh, Amon, Josiah
Quickly scan 2 Kings 21:1 – 23:30. (2 Chronicles Chapters 33 – 35)
1. a) What is the Bible’s verdict on Manasseh’s reign?
b) With whose reign in the northern kingdom is Manasseh’s reign compared?
2. Note the verses in 2 Kings 21 which reveal that he was the worst of all the kings.
3. Read 2 Chronicles 33:10-16.
a) What means did God use to bring Manasseh to his senses?
b) What marks of true repentance are seen in Manasseh after his
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c) “ Let not great sinners despair, when Manasseh himself, upon his
repentance, found favour with God ” (Matthew Henry). What facet of God’s
character is shown by this incident?
d) Though repented of, renounced and forgiven, sin still leaves its mark.
(compare with 2 Samuel 12:13 and following verses)
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Read 2 Kings 23:26-27; 24:3 and complete the following statement: With
the reign of Manasseh, Judah’s degeneracy became so deep-seated that
4. What religious policy did Josiah adopt when he became king? (See
2 Chronicles 34:3,8)
5. What great discovery was made in the course of repairs to the temple?
6. How did Josiah react when this document was read in his presence?
7. Briefly describe the reform measures that were carried out as a result.
8. Despite the king’s thoroughgoing and energetic reforms, God’s judgment on
Judah was not revoked, but only delayed. (Compare 2 Kings 23:26-27 with
Read Jeremiah 3:6-10 and 4:1-4. How deep was Judah’s response to Josiah’s
9. Complete the following sentence:
Josiah’s life ended when he
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From Josiah’s Death to Jerusalem’s Fall
Quickly scan 2 Kings 23:31 – 25:30 (2 Chronicles Chapter 36).
1. a) Note the names of the last four kings of Judah and the length of their reigns.
b) What is the Bible’s verdict on their reigns?
2. Name the Babylonian king whose army marched against Jerusalem and
destroyed it.
3. a) Whom did the king of Babylon appoint to govern the people left behind in
b) What happened to him?
4. To what does the Chronicler attribute the fall of Jerusalem and the nation’s
captivity? (2 Chronicles 36:15-17)
5. Despite the darkness of the captivity, there is a small glimmer of hope for the
a) Who was the last surviving member of David’s line?
b) How did the new king of Babylon treat him?
c) This last survivor in David’s line was the symbol of an even greater hope
than return from captivity. What was that hope? (compare with Matthew
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Application Questions
The focus in this module is on truth about God, our world and ourselves as we discover
it in scripture. However, truth always needs to be applied. For this reason here is an
opportunity to review the lesson for this session and see what principles fit in your life.
(There’s no need for you to comment on all of the questions below).
What aspects can inform your praise and prayers?
What encouragements do you see?
What warnings can you recognize?
What promises can you claim?
Take some time now to look over your notes in preparation for a Quiz.
Answer the Quiz questions without looking at your books or notes
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Fill in the blanks.
1. When Pekah of Israel and Rezin of Damascus marched against Jerusalem, Ahaz
turned to …………………………………… for help.
2. When Hezekiah withheld payment of tribute, …………………………………… king of
Assyria, ravaged the land of Judah.
3. The Assyrian king sent three of his officials to Jerusalem to try to persuade the
people to ……………………………………
4. The prophet ………………………….. encouraged Hezekiah to believe that the Lord
would be vindicated and the Assyrian threat would come to nothing.
5. Manasseh did so much evil that his reign was likened to that of ……………………..
in the north.
6. Manasseh was succeeded by his son …………………………., who reigned for two
7. During Josiah’s reign, the book of the law was found in the …………………………..
8. Josiah went up to fight against Pharaoh ………………………….. of Egypt and was
killed in battle.
9. In 586 BC the army of ………………………………………… king of Babylon, captured
Jerusalem and destroyed it.
10. ……………………………………….. the last surviving member of David’s line, was
finally released after many years’ captivity in Babylon.
Turn to the answers in the back of your workbook and mark your work.
Do you need to read some of the Scripture portions once more?
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Session 11
Exile and Return
(II Chronicles 36; Ezra 1; Nehemiah)
This session read:
 Ezra Chapters 1, 3 – 7 and 8:15 – 10:17 Tick when completed 
 Nehemiah Chapters 1, 2, 4 – 6, 8 – 10 and 12:27 – 13:30.
Tick when completed 
 Chapter 11 of your Textbook. Tick when completed 
The First Return
Quickly scan Ezra 1, 3, 4, 5, 6.
1. a) What did Cyrus do immediately after subduing Babylon?
b) To what does the writer attribute his action?
2. What did Cyrus do about the temple articles that had been taken by
3. The seventh month, Tishri (Sept.-Oct.), was an important one for festivals.
(compare 3:1 with Leviticus 23:23-43)
a) Where did the people gather?
b) What was built first?
c) What great annual feast was celebrated?
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4. a) What was the next major priority?
b) On whom did they rely for the supply of materials (compare with 1
Kings 5:6-
c) Who were appointed to supervise the work?
5. What took place when the foundations had been laid?
6. a) What was the reaction of some of the older generation?
b) Can you suggest why? (Compare with Haggai 2:3)
7. The people who offered to cooperate in building the temple were descendants
of those brought in from Mesopotamia and Aram by the Assyrian kings after the
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fall of Samaria in 722 BC (4:1,2). For them, the Lord God of Israel was just one
god among many.
(see 2 Kings 17:24-41).
a) Why did Zerubbabel and the other leaders reject their offer of assistance?
b) Could it be said that Zerubbabel and his associates were being
inconsistent in this, since the cooperation of the people of Tyre and Sidon
had been sought? (Ezra
Why, or why not?
c) What resulted from their refusal?
8. Ezra 4:6-23 interrupts the chronological sequence, but has been inserted at this
point because it also deals with opposition to Jewish building projects.
Ahasuerus (Ezra 4:6), commonly identified with Xerxes, reigned 486-465 BC.
Artaxerxes I (Ezra 4:7) reigned 465-424 BC. At verse 24, the writer resumes the
story of verses 1-5. “ The second year of the reign of Darius ” (Ezra 4:24) was
about 520 BC.
a) For about how long, therefore, was the work on the temple at a standstill?
(compare with Ezra 3:8)
b) Apart from opposition, what was another reason for the people’s loss of
enthusiasm for the project? (see Haggai 1:2-4)
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9. Name the two prophets who strongly urged the people to take up once again
the work of rebuilding the
10. a) Who challenged the people’s right to rebuild the temple?
Take special note of the Jews’ reply (Ezra 5:11-16), which was a model of
clarity, candour and confidence.
11. What was the governor’s purpose in writing a letter to King Darius about the
work that was going on?
12. Where was Cyrus’ decree found?
13. The original decree of Cyrus was reinforced by a strongly worded one from
Darius (Ezra 6:6-12). What were Tattenai and his associates ordered to do?
14. The successful completion of the arduous task (6:15) in 516 BC was a source of
tremendous satisfaction. How did the people mark the occasion?
15. What was the feature common to both the celebrations mentioned in 6:16-22?
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The Coming of Ezra
Quickly scan Ezra 7:1-28; and 8:15 – 10:17.
There is a gap of nearly 60 years between the end of Chapter 6 and the beginning of
Chapter 7. Ezra came to Jerusalem in 458 BC (compare with 7:8). We do not know
very much about what had been happening in Jerusalem in the intervening period.
1. Of whom was Ezra a descendant?
2. In what field was he an expert?
3. How long did his journey from Babylon to Jerusalem take?
4. In his letter, what did King Artaxerxes commission Ezra to do?
5. In what light did Ezra see his commissioning by the king?
6. a) What spiritual preparation did Ezra make for the journey back to
b) For the long journey, why did Ezra decline to ask for an armed escort?
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c) Would it have been wrong for him to have asked for one? (Compare with
Nehemiah 2:9)
7. a) How did Ezra forestall any possible suggestion of dishonesty with regard
to the huge sum of money they took with them on their journey?
b) Why do Christians need to exercise special care in money matters?
(Compare with 2 Corinthians 8:20-21)
8. See Deuteronomy 7:3-4 and Joshua 23:12-13 for background to Ezra 9:10.
a) In what way had the people of God sinned?
b) To what danger were they thus exposing themselves?
c) Briefly describe how Ezra rectified the situation.
The Walls of Jerusalem Rebuilt under Nehemiah’s Leadership
Quickly scan Nehemiah Chapters 1 – 2 and 4 – 6.
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The distressing news that Nehemiah received (Nehemiah 1:3) was probably caused
by the episode recorded in Ezra 4:7-23, rather than the original destruction in 586 BC
1. What honoured and trusted position did Nehemiah hold?
2. a) What was his immediate response upon hearing the distressing news from
b) Note some of the characteristics of his prayer.
3. There was a delay of 4 months (compare Nehemiah 1:1 with 2:1) before
Nehemiah brought his request to the king. His hesitation may have been
because his request would require the king to reverse his decree mentioned in
Ezra 4:21. But the decree itself left the way open for that to occur.
His fear (Nehemiah 2:2) was because he had probably broken court etiquette in
letting his grief be seen in the king’s presence. Hence his urgent prayers for
help to ‘ the God of heaven ’ (2:4)! What other passages in Nehemiah show his
frequent recourse to prayer?
4. What sort of assistance did he request from the king?
Verses 7-8 show that he had obviously already given careful thought to what
would be required, a characteristic feature of the man.
5. What did Nehemiah do almost immediately after arriving in Jerusalem?
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6. What did Nehemiah tell the people that inspired them to start the work of
7. Name the three individuals who tried to hinder their efforts.
8. Try to identify the tactics employed by the enemies of the Jews in their
opposition to the rebuilding:
i) _____________________________________________________ (4:1-3)
ii) _____________________________________________________ (4:7-8)
iii) _____________________________________________________ (4:11)
9. What steps did Nehemiah take in order to overcome this opposition?
i) _____________________________________________________ (4:5,6)
ii) ______________________________________________________ (4:9)
iii) ___________________________________________________________
___________________________________________________ (4:13,14)
iv) ___________________________________________________________
___________________________________________________ (4:16-18)
v) ___________________________________________________________
___________________________________________________ (4:19,20)
10. ‘ Rorting the system ’ is nothing new (5:1-13)! Briefly describe how Nehemiah
rectified these economic abuses.
11. a) What rights as governor did Nehemiah choose to forgo?
(Nehemiah 5:14-19)
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b) Why did he do this?
12. In Chapter 6, Nehemiah himself seems to be the target of the enemy’s attacks,
since the previous attempts to hinder the work had failed (Chapter 4). What
different forms did these attacks take?
13. a) How long did it take to rebuild the walls?
b) This was a truly remarkable achievement.
Whose help was acknowledged as being behind it?
Confession, Renewal and Reformation
Quickly scan Nehemiah Chapters 8 – 10 and 12:27 – 13:30.
1. What did the people request Ezra to do?
2. How did the people show their respect for God’s word when Ezra opened the
3. What effect did the hearing of the words of the law have on the people?
4. What annual feast was celebrated at this time, in response to their reading of
the law?
5. Complete this statement: The prayer of 9:5-37 is an acknowledgment of God’s
__________________ and __________________ and a confession of His
people’s __________________ and __________________
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6. “ While the cat’s away, the mice do play ” (compare with 13:4-7)! After his first
term as governor (445-433 BC, see 5:14), Nehemiah had been recalled by King
Artaxerxes for an unspecified period (13:6-7). What areas of backsliding did
Nehemiah have to deal with when he returned to Jerusalem to begin his second
term as governor?
i) ___________________________________________________________
____________________________________________________ (13:4-9)
ii) ___________________________________________________________
__________________________________________________ (13:10-14)
iii) ___________________________________________________________
__________________________________________________ (13:15-22)
iv) ___________________________________________________________
__________________________________________________ (13:23-29)
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Application Questions
The focus in this module is on truth about God, our world and ourselves as we discover
it in scripture. However, truth always needs to be applied. For this reason here is an
opportunity to review the lesson for this session and see what principles fit in your life.
(There’s no need for you to comment on all of the questions below).
What aspects can inform your praise and prayers?
What encouragements do you see?
What warnings can you recognize?
What promises can you claim?
Take some time now to look over your notes in preparation for a Quiz.
Answer the Quiz questions without looking at your books or notes
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1. In 538 BC, ……………….., King of Persia, issued a decree permitting the Jews to
return to their homeland.
2. The temple articles that had been captured and taken by ……………………………..
were restored to the Jews.
3. Because of intense opposition work on rebuilding the …………………….. came to
a halt for about sixteen years.
4. The two prophets who urged the people to take up the task again were Haggai
and ………………………………..
5. King …………………….. of Persia gave orders that the original decree allowing
the Jews to return to their home-land be located.
6. Ezra was a descendant of ………………………………
7. Ezra devoted himself to the study, observance and teaching of the ………………..
8. Despite opposition from ………………………………., Tobiah and Geshem,
Nehemiah was undaunted in his efforts to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem.
9. With God’s help, the walls were completed in ………………….. days.
10. The hearing of the words of the Law caused the people to …………………
Turn to the answers in the back of your workbook and mark your work.
Do you need to read some of the Scripture portions once more?
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Session 12
The following exercises are not for assessment, but are designed to help you:
a. in your revision of the work for this module;
b. in your preparation for Test 4, which you will be completing and
returning at the end of this session. (Note: this is a short answer test)
1. Write a short paragraph summarizing what Genesis Chapters 1 to 11 are all
2. a) How long did Abram have to wait before God’s promise of offspring
through Sarai was fulfilled?
b) Which incident was the most severe test for his faith? Why?
3. a) Where in the Old Testament do you find the story of Joseph?
b) Write down three of the lessons you have learned from reading the story
of his time in Egypt.
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4. How did the Lord overcome Moses’ reluctance to go back to Egypt to lead the
Israelite people out?
5. What purpose did the plagues fulfil?
6. a) For what special calling were the people of Israel chosen?
b) Can you locate the passage that spells this out?
7. a) Where do you find the record of Joshua’s covenant renewal ceremony at
Shechem? __________________
b) What lesson above all others was he trying to impress upon the people?
8. “ In those days there was no king in Israel; every man did what was right in his
own eyes ” (Judges 21:25 [RSV]).
Suggest reasons why this statement is such an apt summary of events
recorded in the Book of Judges.
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9. In Samuel’s time, why did the Israelites want a king?
10. What incidents in Saul’s life showed that he was unfit to remain king?
11. a) Where is the story of Absalom’s revolt to be found?
b) Give some reasons why his campaign came close to being successful.
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12. What were some of the outstanding achievements of Solomon’s reign?
13. a) Which chapter in the Bible most clearly identifies the defects of his reign?
b) Is there one weakness that looms larger than others? If so, what is it?
14. Why did Solomon’s kingdom split into two after his death?
15. a) Locate the Old Testament passage which gives a theological explanation
for the fall of the northern kingdom.
b) What reasons are given?
16. Find the passage that records the reign of the only non-Davidic monarch on
Judah’s throne. ____________ From whom was this monarch descended?
17. Why was the reign of Ahaz so disastrous for Judah?
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18. a) Who were the two most outstanding kings of Judah?
b) What were the main achievements of their reigns?
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19. Note some of the events in the post-exile period, which demonstrate God’s
faithfulness to His people.
20. What was the importance of Ezra’s contribution to the life of the post-exilic
Application Question
A friend asks you “which insight stands out to you as you reflect back on this module”.
Write your short answer below. (You may wish to use points.)
Test 4
This Test Covers Sessions 1 – 12
NOTE: Questions for this test require “short answers” ,
so you will require some blank paper of your answers. This test is available from your
Trainer/Assessor or your college.
Students are permitted access to an unmarked Bible only.
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Answers to Quiz Questions
Session 1
1. False
2. True
3. True
4. True
5. False
6. Shem, Ham and Japheth
7. Cain, Abel
8. The sixth day
9. Dove
10. Built an altar to the Lord
Session 2
1. Egypt
2. Son
3. Ishmael
4. Bethel
5. Rachel
6. Twelve
7. The cupbearer (or butler)
8. Seven
9. Israel
10. South (or south-west)
Session 3
1. Goshen
2. Caleb, Joshua
3. Perfect (or unblemished)
4. To perish in the Wilderness
before reaching the Promised
5. Kadesh-barnea
6. Levi
7. The land of Midian (wilderness)
8. Forty
9. Mt Sinai, Moses
10. Aaron, Miriam
Session 4
1. Joshua
2. Rahab
3. The waters upstream stopped
flowing, and the waters downstream were cut off, thus allowing
the people to cross on dry ground
4. Achan
5. The Gibeonites
6. Shechem
7. Ehud
8. Deborah and Barak
9. 300
10. The Philistines
Session 5
1. Elkanah, Hannah
2. Eli
3. The Ark of the Covenant
4. Saul
5. Jabesh-Gilead
6. Amalekites
7. Tending his father’s sheep
8. Michal
9. Ish-bosheth
10. 7½ years
Session 6
1. The Jebusites
2. The Ark of the Covenant (or, the
Ark of God)
3. Nathan
4. Mephibosheth
5. Ammonites
6. Uriah
7. Absalom
8. Hushai, Ahithophel
9. Joab
10. Adonijah
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Session 7
1. Adonijah
2. Joab
3. Wisdom, wise sayings
4. Adoniram
5. Tyre
6. Lebanon
7. Sheba
8. Foreign
9. Hadad, Rezon
10. Jeroboam
Session 8
1. Dan, Bethel
2. Samaria
3. Jezebel
4. Carmel
5. Naboth
6. Micaiah
7. Jehu
8. Pekah
9. three
10. deported
Session 9
1. Rehobaom
2. Judah, Benjamin
3. Asa
4. Ahab (or Omri)
5. Athaliah
6. Jehoiada
7. Temple
8. Amaziah
9. pride
10. leprosy
Session 10
1. Assyria (or Tiglath-Pileser)
2. Sennacherib
3. surrender
4. Isaiah
5. Ahab
6. Amon
7. temple
8. Neco
9. Nebuchadnezzar
10. Jehoiachin
Session 11
1. Cyrus
2. Nebuchadnezzar
3. temple
4. Zechariah
5. Darius
6. Aaron
7. Law
8. Sanballat
9. fifty-two (52)
10. weep

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