Choose the correct format for a journal article with a DOI and more than seven authors.A. Hamilton, D. A.,

Choose the correct format for a journal article with a DOI and more than seven authors.

A. Hamilton, D. A.,

Akers, K. G., Johnson, T. E., Rice, J. P., Candelaria, F. T., Sutherland, R. J.,… Redhead, E. S. (2008). The relative influence of place and direction in the Morris water task. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes, 34, 31-53.

B. Hamilton, D. A., Akers, K. G., Johnson, T. E., Rice, J. P., Candelaria, F. T., Sutherland, R. J., et al. (2008). The relative influence of place and direction in the Morris water task. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes, 34, 31-53.

C. Hamilton, D. A., Akers, K. G., Johnson, T. E., Rice, J. P., Candelaria, F. T.,Sutherland, R. J., ….(2008). The relative influence of place and direction in the Morris water task. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes, 34, 31-53.

D. Hamilton, D. A., Akers, K. G., Johnson, T. E., Rice, J. P., Candelaria, F. T., Sutherland, R. J., Weisend, M. P., & Redhead, E. S. (2008). The relative influence of place and direction in the Morris water task. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes, 34, 31-53.

I think the correct answer is C

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  1. Registracija
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