Write a Causal Analysis Essay about a decision that you made in the past. Pay close attention to your analysis of the reasons for the decision


Write a Causal Analysis Essay about a decision that you made in the past. Pay close attention to your analysis of the reasons for the decision, which must be in the past tense. Do not use the term “reason” in your thesis or topic sentences. Remember that the conclusion paragraph is in the present tense because you bring the reader up to date in the present. The difficult thing when writing this essay is to remember not to mention the “decision” or anything about the decision during the first phase, which must be in the past tense. The second phase will bring the reader up to date and is in the present tense. If you wish, you may use “I decided to ….., for your thesis but be sure the word “decision” doesn’t lead you into talking about the decision or mentioning it in the first phase.

Evaluation criteria:

Followed directions (includes 1000 word count -15 points
Events occurred in the past – 15 points
Organization of content (includes having a thesis and topic sentence in the past – 40 points
Summary paragraph (conclusion) brought the reader up to date – 30 points.


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