Why is this not compiling? This is a C++ morse code decoder program. It has two


Why is this not compiling? This is a C++ morse code decoder program. It has two errors. I have bolded and italicized the errors and messages. #include #include #include struct TREENODE{char letter;TREENODE *left;TREENODE *right;TREENODE() //constructor{letter = ‘*’; //will replace with letterleft = 0;right = 0;};struct MORSECODE//each morsecode object has english letters{char letter;char code[20]; //dots and dashes and such};class TELEGRAPH //binary tree{private:static MORSECODE table[40];static TREENODE * root;static void destroyTree(TREENODE *node);public:TELEGRAPH(){root = NULL;} // expected unqualified-id at end of input. no return statement in function returning non-void (-Wreturn type)static void buildTree();static void destroyTree();void Encode(char text[], char morse[]);void Decode(char morse[], char text[]);};MORSECODE TELEGRAPH::table[40] = {{‘E’,”.”}, {‘T’, “-“}, {‘I’, “..”}, {‘A’, “.-“}, {‘N’, “-.”}, {‘M’, “–“},{‘S’, “…”}, {‘U’, “..-“}, {‘R’, “.-.”}, {‘W’, “.–“}, {‘D’, “-..”}, {‘K’, “-.-“},{‘G’, “–.”}, {‘O’, “—“}, {‘H’, “….”}, {‘V’, “…-“}, {‘F’, “..-.”}, {‘L’, “.-..”},{‘P’, “.–.”}, {‘J’, “.—“}, {‘B’, “-…”}, {‘X’, “-..-“},{‘C’, “-.-.”}, {‘Y’, “-.–“}, {‘Z’, “–..”}, {‘Q’, “–.-“}, {‘0’, “—–“}, {‘1’, “.—-“), {‘2’, “..—“},{‘3’, “…–“}, {‘4’, “….-“}, {‘5’, “…..”}, {‘6’, “-….”}, {‘7’, “–…”}, {‘8’, “—..”}, {‘9’, “—-.”},{‘,’, “—-“}, {‘.’, “.-.-.-“}, {‘?’, “..–..”}, {”, “END”};TREENODE* TELEGRAPH::root = 0;void TELEGRAPH::Decode(char morse[], char text[]){char *morsePtr;TREENODE *node;node = root;cout << "Decode called." <left;}else if (*morsePtr == ‘-‘){nose = node >right;}}else {node = root;}continue;}*text++ = node-> letter;return;}void TELEGRAPH::Encode(char text[], char morse[]){int i;char c, *t, *morsePtr;cout << "Encode called" << endl;cout <>> “;for (t = text; *t; t++){c = toupper(*t);if (c == ‘ ‘){*morse++ = ‘ ‘;continue;}for (i = 0; table[i].letter; i++){if (table[i].letter == c) break;}if (!table[i].letter){continue;}morsePtr = table[i].code;while (*morsePtr){*morse++ = *morsePtr++;}*morse++ = ‘ ‘;}}void TELEGRAPH::buildTree(){TREENODE *node, *nextNode;char *morsePtr; // point to dots and dashes in tableroot = new TREENODE;if (!root){return;}root -> letter = ‘ ‘;cout << "Alphabet in Morse:";for (int i = 0; table[i].letter; i++){node = root;for (morsePtr = table[i].code; *morsePtr; morsePtr++)//goes through morse code for symbols and letters{if (*morsePtr == '-'){cout <right = nextNode;node = node->right;}else if (*morsePtr == ‘.’){cout <left = nextNode;node = node->left;}}}}main():int main(){TELEGRAPH station;char text[80], morse[600];station.buildTree();cout << "Enter telegram in English: ";cin.getline(text, 80);station.Encode(text, morse);cout << morse;cout <>> Receivednn”;station.Decode(morse, text);cout << "Message sent: " << text << endl;station.destroyTree();} //expected ';' at end of member declaration. expected '}' at end of input. invalid use of qualified name TREEDNODE::TELEGRAPH::table

The post Why is this not compiling? This is a C++ morse code decoder program. It has two appeared first on Stanford Papers.


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