Programming Fundamentals Assignment


ProgrammingFundamentals(48023)Autumn2019AssignmentPage1ProgrammingFundamentals(48023)-Assignment12The following are extracts from the subject outline that are relevant to the assignment …345678910This assignment will NOTbe distributed in hardcopy at lectures (or anywhere else).Exemptionto Minimum Requirements:To have their mark counted from Part A of the assignment, students do NOThave to complete the last additional lab test on EACH thread (i.e. the lab tests ListOfNV3PartAand ListOfNV3PartA). But students must complete BOTH those two lab tests to have marks counted for Part B of the assignment. This exception allows students to commence working on Part A of the assignment before they have completed those last two lab tests, confident that their mark for Part A will count.
ProgrammingFundamentals(48023)Autumn2019AssignmentPage2There are two parts to the assignmentand both parts have the samedue date.You do NOT have 11to do all parts to register a mark for the assignment. You can stop doing this assessment item at 12any time, and whatever marks you have in PLATE at that time will be counted.13STUDENTS ARE REMINDED THAT THIS ASSIGNMENT HAS NO INFLUENCEON 14WHETHER THEY PASS OR FAILTHIS SUBJECT. PASSING AND FAILING IS SOLELY15DETERMINED BY THE MASTERY TESTS.16AssignmentMinimumRequirements17Toreceiveanymarks,yoursolutionmustmeetthefollowingminimumrequirements:181.You must complete this assessment task inthe order of the the parts, A and B. You 19have to use your solution to Part A to do Part B, so you have no option but to do Part A 20before Part B. But you do NOT need to score full marks on Part A before doing Part B. 21You will need the full, correct functionality ofPart A to do Part B, but you do not need 22any of the “design” and “indentation” marks to start on Part B. (The exact breakdown 23of marks for Part A is given later in this document.) 242.Within each of Parts A and B, the tasksmustbeimplementedintheorderspecifiedin25the “Task “sectionsbelow.263.You may onlyuse thefeaturesofJavathataretaughtinthissubject.Forexample,you 27must not use inheritance,exceptions,varargs (e.g. printf),interfaces,orgenerics. We28want to assess your ability to use the very specific features of Java that wehave taught 29youin this subject.304.Your solutions for Parts A and B must NOT use arrays (or equivalent).315.Yourprogram’soutputmustEXACTLYmatchtheoutputgivenbyPLATE.To ensure 32you meet this requirement,it is highly recommended that you submit to PLATE 33frequently; at least once on each day that you do any work on the assignment.34Assignment submission and return35Your assignment must be submitted as a JAR file through the PLATE system, online, at 36 shown in the diagram below, you submit your assignment on the 37same web page where you submityour lab tests; just lower down on that web page.38You may submit and resubmit as many times as you wish, before the due date, and PLATE 39will update your mark.Your markfor each part is available as soon as you submit toPLATE.40No part of this assignment is manually marked.41Further instructions for submitting to PLATE are displayed online at the PLATE website.42
ProgrammingFundamentals(48023)Autumn2019AssignmentPage3434445464748NOTE:Unlike the lab tests, there is no “skeleton” file to download for the assignment. 495051Special Consideration52If your performance in an assessment item or items has been affected by extenuating or special 53circumstances beyond your control you may apply for Special Consideration. Information on 54how to apply can be found at
ProgrammingFundamentals(48023)Autumn2019AssignmentPage4Model solution56A model solution can be seen by emailingthe subject coordinator on or afterSunday July2157(i.e. 6weeks after the duedate).This lengthy delay after the due date is becausesome 58students are likely to have been granted an extension for sickness, or misadventure (and such 59illness/misadventure has been documented). Do not email the subject coordinator to request 60the model solution before Sunday July21, as he will not be maintaining a list of names and 61thus your premature requestmay not be answered.Model solutions for each part of the 62assignment are only available to students who submitted that part of the assignment.63Academic misconduct (and submitting regularly)64This assignmentmust be done by yourself and not with anyone else.Group work is not65allowedand will be considered as academic misconduct.66Do not show other people your code, or look at other people’s code, or discuss assignment 67code with other people; it is an offence to have a copy of someone else’s assignment (before the 68submission date). Do not post your assignment on the web.Posting your assignment on the 69web and getting help through blogs, forums or other websites is considered to be an academic 70misconduct.7172To detect student misconduct, the subject uses an online system called PLATE available at 73,yoursubmissionhistorymaybeusedbytheUniversity Student78ConductCommitteetodeterminewhodidtheworkandwhocopied.79Thisassignmentisdividedintoseparatetasksdescribedbelow.Youmustsubmityourprogress80toplateregularlywhileattempting each individual task.That means a student cannot submit 81one complete working solution at the end without any prior submissions to PLATE. This82willprovideuswitharecordthatyouhavebeendoingyourownwork.8384Iftwostudentssubmitthesamesolution,yoursubmissionrecordmaybeusedbythe85University StudentConductCommitteetodeterminewhich studentdidtheworkandwhich 86studentcopied.Formoredetailsonassignmentsubmission,returnandotherimportantrules,87scrolldowntothelastfewpages.88Students may find it useful to consult The UTS Coursework Assessment Policy & Procedure 89Manual, at
ProgrammingFundamentals(48023)Autumn2019AssignmentPage5Expected work load93It is estimatedthat the workload forParts A and Bareabout 4 to 10 hours of work. But some 94people may complete the task in 5 hours, and some may need 30 hours or more; there is a huge 95variation in students’ experience and abilities. 96For Part A, awell-designed solution is expected to use approximately 100lines of code, 97excluding comments. For Part B, a well-designed solution is expected to use approximately 98300 lines of code, excluding comments. 99Seeking Help100Students should make themost of the many opportunities for face-to-face help in labs. 101Students are welcome to go to anon-examhour of ANYlab session to seek help from a tutor. 102You do NOT have to be enrolled in a lab to get help from a tutor in the non-exam hour. All 103tutors should be able to answer most questions about Part A ofthe assignment.Somebut104notalltutors will be able to answer questionsabout Part B, given a little time to think about 105your question and the assignment. 106Tutor Ryan Heise isbe able to answer most questions about allparts of the assignment, having 107beenthe original author of Parts A and B. Ryan’s labsare:108•Thu13_08_409_Ryan…Thursday,startingat1pm,inroomCB11.08.409109•Thu15_B1_103_Ryan…Thursday,startingat3pm,inroomCB11.B1.103110The subjectcoordinator may answer some simple questions by emailthat require a very short 111answer. However, if an emailed question would require a lengthy emailreply, a student will be 112toldto seek help face-to-face, from a tutor at a lab sessionorfromthelectureratalecture113session..114Students should NOT requesthelp from tutors via email. Tutorsare only paid for their time in 115the lab. If youemail them, you are asking them to work for free … do you work for free?116Should You Attempt the Assignment?117Students are reminded that they do NOT have to do the assignment to pass this subject. In fact, 118as the assignment is worth 30% of the subject, a student can score a credit in this subject (i.e. a 119mark of65 or higher) without doing the assignment. 120However, students who expect to follow this subject by doing Applications Programming 121(48024) are STRONGLY ENCOURAGED to do Part A of the assignment to prepare for 122Applications Programming. Of the students who did Programming Fundamentals in Autumn 1232017 and who then went on to do Applications Programming (48024) in Spring2017, 28%124failed Applications Programming. Of those students:125•Of the 33 students who scored 50/Pin Programming Fundamentals, 55%failed 126Applications Programming. 127
ProgrammingFundamentals(48023)Autumn2019AssignmentPage6•Of the 12 students who scored between 51 and 64 (i.e. a Pass)in Programming 128Fundamentals,33%failed Applications Programming. 129•Of the 20 students who scored 65 (i.e. the minimum mark for a Credit)in 130Programming Fundamentals, 35%failed Applications Programming. 131•Of the 22 students who scored between 66 and 74 (i.e. a Credit)in Programming 132Fundamentals, 27%failed Applications Programming. 133•Of the 24 students who scored between 75 and 84 (i.e. a Distinction)in Programming134Fundamentals, 8%failed Applications Programming. 135•Of the 34 students who scored between 85 and 100 (i.e. a High Distinction)in 136Programming Fundamentals, 12%failed Applications Programming. 137138Solutionrequirements139Toreceiveanymarks,yoursolutionmustmeetthefollowingminimumrequirements:140•Thetasksmustbeimplementedintheorderspecifiedinsection“Tasks” below.141•As a general rule, yoursolutionmustuseonlythefeaturesofJavathataretaughtinthis142subject.For example, students must not use inheritance,exceptions,varargs (e.g. 143printf),interfaces,orgenerics.Also, students must not usearrays(orequivalent, such 144as collections)in Parts A and B,even though arrays are taught in this subject.145•Yourprogram’soutputmustexactlymatchtheoutputgivenbyPLATE.White space 146(i.e. spaces, tabs and new lines) is significant in PLATE.147•You must define methods with the exact names and parameters as specified below(i.e. 148you must define methods with the given “signatures”), however you are permitted to 149define any number of additional methods of your own. Unless otherwise stated, you 150must not add additional fieldstoclasses.151OverviewofPartsAandB152Inthis assignment you will create a simple Pacman-like game with one player, 3 dots, an exit 153and an enemy. The player can move left, right, up or down and must collect all 3 dots and 154reach the exit without being killed by the enemy. The enemy is programmed to chase down the 155player. The game finishes when either:156(1) all the dots have been collected orthe exit has been reached, or 157(2) when the enemy has killed the player. 158Sample output is shown below.Your program should produce input/output in exactly the 159following format, with user’sinput shown underlinedand in bold:160

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