Primark Manufacturing process


Primark Manufacturing process Description Create a process map of your operation. You do not need to use, in fact you are discouraged from using, process mapping software. Presentation software such as PowerPoint or Keynote is perfectly adequate. Your process map must be contained within a single side of A4 – landscape formatted. Use the process mapping concepts taught in the course. Use the concepts, tools, techniques from the course, and apply these to analyse your subject. Your analysis should identify the main operational problems in your subject. You should rank the problems in order of importance. You are to focus on one or two operational problems and make recommendations for improvement. Your analysis is expected to focus on material covered in the 2nd half of this module. If you must reapply any material that you used previously in the group work, then the ‘bar’ is raised. You will have to carry out substantively deeper analysis. Critically, you should search for further reading in the Operations Management journals that enhances your knowledge of the concepts you will apply. If you apply course content thoroughly, then you will likely get a pass. If you can show application of further reading in the peer-reviewed Operations Management journals then you are likely to earn high marks. For each report the typeface to be used for body text is 11 point sans serif, eg: Arial, Helvetica, Univers, Calibri, etc. Use any typeface you like for headings. In choosing your subject consider the following questions: What is the operation or process? What operations challenges or problems are there to be addressed in your subject operation, and why? You will not be hostage to this answer. After analysis you may change your mind. Rather, we want you to think about whether there is anything worth looking at. No operation is perfect. What flaws are evident at first glance? Which of these challenges might need to be addressed first, second, and so on, and why? What concepts, tools and techniques could be used to address these challenges and problems, and how might you apply them? In considering which course concepts to use, you are strongly encouraged to read beyond the course content in the Operations Management journals, e.g. Journal of Operations Management, International Journal of Operations and Production Management, Production and Operations Management, Journal of Supply Chain Management, Manfuacturing and Service Operations Management, Journal of Service Management, etc. Stated simply, the more evidence there is of application of wider reading, the more marks you are going to get. If you are interested in applying particular theoretical content, look in the relevant textbook chapter. At the end of the chapters are ‘further reading’ recommendations. Follow up on these. If you find a topical reference that is germane to your work, briefly, but critically appraise it. We will assess your work on the following criteria: Understanding – Your work should demonstrate an understanding of operations and operations management issues. Substantiation – The work should be underpinned by course material and additional reading around the topic chosen and tools employed. (Please only reference material you have read!) Insight – Your work must demonstrate critical evaluation and insight into the operation, situation and topic. Clarity and structure – The report should be well structured and clearly presented.

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