Literature Review Summary Table NURS 6052


Citation Type of Study

Design Type

Framework/Theory Setting Key Concepts/Variables Findings Hierarchy of Evidence Level

Type of Study:
Systematic review

Design Type:
Systematic reviews

Framework/Theory: This is a basic research study that seeks to me knowledge relating to approaches that psychiatric nurses integrate into their process to various population groups. This is mainly based on evidence from different researchers.
Concepts: approaches of psychiatric nurses in mitigating mental conditions

Independent Variable: Mitigation of mental challenges

Dependent Variable: Psychiatric nurse

Controlled Variable: psychiatric approaches

The study shows that psychiatric nurses mainly integrate therapeutic approaches while attending to different groups of people in a population. Some of these approaches include assessments done through interviewing, psychiatric evaluation, the creation of therapeutic relations and examination of communication abilities. It also denotes that ethical practices are critical when integrating different approaches as a way of enhancing effectiveness. It is at the top position of the hierarchy. The information is filtered.

Type of Study:

Design Type:

Framework/Theory: This research has been developed by critically reviewing different researches to develop the findings. The aim of the research is identifying and evaluating the researches to formulate general statements on the approaches that nurses use to address various mental conditions. Concepts: Roles of psychiatric nurses

Independent Variable:
Roles of psychiatric nurses.

Dependent Variable:
Psychiatric nurses

Controlled Variable: outcomes
This article denotes that education and training programs are essential tools for the role of psychiatric nurses. It explains that education and training assists in the enhancement of competency. It also states that psychiatric roles are mainly centered on medication and provision of psychotherapy to patients as well as an assessment of their performance over time.
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Citation Study
Design Type
Framework/Theory Setting Key Concepts/Variables Findings Hierarchy of Evidence Level
Type of Study:

Design Type:

Theoretical This is a research that has drawn its findings from various research studies to show the relationship between the roles of psychiatric nurses and other nurses. Concepts: Psychiatric approaches required to reach various groups of people in a population and their roles in mitigating mental conditions.

Independent Variable: psychiatric approaches

Dependent Variable: population

Controlled Variable: Mental Conditions Psychiatric nurses perform different roles that are distinct from those performed by other nurses. They attend to the health needs of children, adolescents, and adults faced with mental disorders. The roles of psychiatric nurses are only limited to patients with mental challenges.
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Type of Study:

Design Type:

Theoretical This is research that seeks to explain the intervention employed by psychiatrists when addressing mental health conditions. This research comprises systematic reviews of several types of research which are then analyzed and combined into one study.
Concepts: Intervention measures and roles used by psychiatric nurses in addressing mental conditions.

Independent Variable: Intervention measures

Dependent Variable: Psychiatric roles

Controlled Variable: Mental Health Conditions

Psychiatric nurses integrate various approaches integrated into psychiatric care delivery for the purpose attaining desirable results. Psychiatric nursey integrates psychosocial interventions are used to enhance follow-ups whereas decision making is an approach that is mainly used to facilitate the attainment of the desired outcome.
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Type of Study:
Systematic review

Design Type:
Systematic review

Theoretical This research study seeks to address an issue by identifying, critically evaluating as well as integrating the findings of different research studies to make its conclusions.
Roles of psychiatric nurses.

Independent Variable: Psychiatric Nurses

Dependent Variable: Roles

Controlled Variable: Interaction between roles. Registered psychiatric nurses work in the families, groups in the community and with individuals. Psychiatric nurses are responsible for the evaluation of mental health requirements, creation of diagnoses as well as treatment plans. Moreover, they are involved in the evaluation of nursing patient care for patients with mental disorders.
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