Herpes Simplex Viruses 1 and 2: Biology Essay


You will respond to another student in 100-150 words in a substantive manner. Your comments must move the science discussion of the microbe forward. You must provide student original writing, paraphrasing from all sources, and cite in text, as well as provide full end reference information in APA format. You may never use Wikipedia or any other Open Source to support your college level work! All assignments using these will earn zero score. You must paraphrase from all sources as direct quotation is not acceptable in science writing. Students original writing: “There are two types of Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV), type-1 and type-2. These two types of HSV are said to have evolved and that they are able to infect a large range of cell types. HSV infects nearly 40-80 % of people all around the world. The entry of HSV into a host cell is a process which actually takes several different steps and also involves the interaction of viral glycoproteins with several different cell surface receptors. HSV is capable of infecting all cell types. Since HSV is neurotropic capable, in which case it infects the nervous system in turn will cause neurological diseases. The way of transmission is through humans, physical contact, which in turn cause mucocutaneous lesions. HSV-1 are the cause of oral and ocular lesions, but a mother infected with HSV-2 can transmit ocular lesions to her newborn, through the direct contact with the mother’s vaginal secretions. Some more serious disease that the virus can cause are; encephalitis, blindness, and meningitis. It is modulated by seven HSV glycoproteins; gB, gC, gD, gH, gK, gL, gM. Only four are needed though to allow the process of the plasma membrane and virus fusion of the host. The symptoms of HSV-1 are as follows: lip ulcers, mouth ulcers, corneal ulcers, conjunctival ulcers, or gingivostomatitis. The symptoms of HSV-2 are as follows; fever, headache, over-all not feeling well, pain, itching, and sensitivity on or around the penis or vulva. The first outbreak there will appear a group of infected blisters to the area or areas that were exposed. The blisters sooner or later will bust open and become very painful lesions. More sever symptoms could be, chills, swollen lymph glands, or fatigue. When it comes to treatment there are several options, but when choosing which option is best varies not only the patient but other factors such as the site and severity of the infection and also if the patient is immunocompromised ( HIV positive, currently on chemo-therapy, or other medications etc.). The topical therapies that can be used are; idoxuridine .5% preparations, Povidine-iodine 10% preparations, topical acyclovir cream. Oral therapies are: antiviral such as Famciclovir, Acyclovir, or Valaciclovir. There are also intravenous therapies that are used for severe cases and for patients whom are immunocompromised, they are the same drugs as the oral therapies but are administered intravenously. There is no cure for HSV, so you should always protect yourself no matter what.” References: Karasneh, G & Shukla, D(2011). HSV Infects Most Cell Types In Vitro: Clue to it’s Success. Retrieved from: http://www.biomedcentral.com N.A. (2018) Herpes. Retrieved from: http://www.rightdiagnosis.com

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