Describe what a corresponding set of genes is for an individual that is homozygous? What if the individual is heterozygous? How will the alleles change?The question requires the student to know what i

Describe what a corresponding set of genes is for an individual that is homozygous? What if the individual is heterozygous? How will the alleles change?

The question requires the student to know what is homozygous chromosome and heterozygous choromosome. A detail description should be given and supported by suitable examples to make the ponit strong. 

The student is also expectated to explain how the alleles will change in both homologous and heterozygous conditions and back it up with a suitable example.

The student is suposed to note that the terms homozygous and heterozygous are only applicable when referring to specific genes rather than to the whole genome of an individual.

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