Describe three processes by which neurotransmitters leave the synapse.

1. Describe three processes by which neurotransmitters leave the synapse. Referencing specific neural structures and electrochemical processes, describe the flow of information from when it is received by one neuron to when it is transmitted to another neuron.

2.  When walking home alone late one night, you are startled by a moving shadow that you glimpse out of the corner of your eye. Which division of the autonomic nervous system mobilizes your body’s defenses? What does it do? Later, when you see that the shadow is just the neighbor’s cat, what division of the autonomic nervous system is acting, and how does it lessen your physiological arousal? How do these autonomic divisions differ from the other main division, the somatic?

3. Explain the difference between a drug agonist and an antagonist, give an example of each, and describe several ways that drugs can function as agonists.

4. Discuss the likely impairments associated with damage to the (a) spinal cord, (b) hindbrain, (c) hippocampus, and (d) forebrain.


I) Which drug might BEST treat an actor suffering from stage fright?

  1. A.L-Dopa
  2. B.amphetamine
  3. C.beta blockers
  4. D.a selective-serotonin reuptake inhibitor

II) Which activity is NOT a function of the sympathetic nervous system?

A.suppress response to pain

B.stimulate secretion of epinephrine

C.dilate pupils

D.stimulate digestive activity

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