CSCI-UA 102, Fall 2019 Project 2 Project 2: San Francisco Restaurant Ratings


CSCI-UA 102, Fall 2019
Project 2

Project 2: San Francisco Restaurant Ratings
Due date: September 28, 11:55PM EST.
You may discuss any of the assignments with your classmates and tutors (or anyone else) but all work for all assignments must be
entirely your own . Any sharing or copying of assignments will be considered cheating (this includes posting of partial or complete
solutions on Piazza, GitHub or any other public forum). If you get significant help from anyone, you should acknowledge it in
your submission (and your grade will be proportional to the part that you completed on your own). You are responsible for
every line in your program: you need to know what it does and why. You should not use any data structures and features of Java
that have not been covered in class (or the prerequisite class). If you have doubts whether or not you are allowed to use certain
structures, just ask your instructor.
In this project you will provide a tool for searching through the data set of San Francisco restaurnts’ inspection results.
The goal of this programming project is for you to master (or at least get practice on) the following tasks:
• working with multi-file programs
• reading data from input files
• using and understanding command line arguments
• working with large data sets
• using the ArrayList class
• writing classes
• working with existing code
• extending existing classes (inheritance)
• parsing data
Most, if not all, of the skills that you need to complete this project are based on the material covered in cs101. But there might be certain
topics for which you did not have to write a program or that you forgot. Make sure to ask questions during recitations, in class and on
Start early! This project may not seem like much coding, but debugging always takes time.
For the purpose of grading, your project should be in the package called project2. This means that each of your submitted
source code files should start with a line:
package project2;
Keep in mind that spelling and capitalization are important!
In this project you will be working with open data. Wikipedia has a good description of open data: ”Open data is the idea that some data
should be freely available to everyone to use and republish as they wish, without restrictions from copyright, patents or other mechanisms
of control.”
The data set that you need can be found at DataSF portal. For your convenience a csv file is also located on the course website. It is a
listing of restaurant inspection results for restaurants in San Francisco starting from mid-2015. The data set is provided by San Francisco
Department of Public Health.
The file that you download is a CSV (comma separated values) file – it is a simple text file and is processed like text file (but it can also
be opened by most of the spreadsheet programs and displayed column-wise based on the locations of commas on each line). Since some
of the columns contain longer text that might, optionally, contain commas as well, those entries are enclosed in a set of double quotes.
There are seventeen columns in the dataset. Some of the columns may be empty.
From the point of view of this assignment, a valid row in the data set MUST contain the business name, business postal code,
and inspection date. Any rows that do not contain all of those fields should be quietly ignored by the program.
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CSCI-UA 102, Fall 2019
Project 2
Joanna Klukowska
User Interface
Your program has to be a console based program (no graphical interface) – this means that the program should not open any windows or
dialogs to prompt user for the input.
Program Usage
The program is started from the command line (or run within an IDE). It expects one command line argument.
This program should use command line arguments. When the user runs the program, they provide the name of the input file as a
command line argument. (This way the user can specify a data set from another city or a different version of the data set).
The user may start the program from the command line or run it within an IDE like Eclipse – from the point of view of your program
this does not matter.
If the name of the input file provided as a command line argument is incorrect or the file cannot be opened for any reason, the program
should display an error message and terminate. It should not prompt the user for an alternative name of the file.
If the program is run without any arguments, the program should display an error message and terminate. It should not prompt the user
for the name of the file.
The error messages should be specific and informative, for example:
Error: the file restaurant_scores.csv cannot be opened.
Usage Error: the program expects file name as an argument.
The above error messages generated by your code should be written to the System.err stream (not the System.out stream).1
Input and Output
The program should run in a loop that allows the user to issue different queries. The two types of queries are:
In the first case, the program should display the list of all the restaurants in the data set whose name contains the given keyword (this
search should be case insensitive) with two most recent dates of scored inspection results2
. The user may enter a multi-word KEYWORD.
The matching restaurants should be displayed in alphabetical order.
In the second case, the program should display the list of three restaurants with the highest scores on the most recent scored inspection
in the zip code (postal code) specified by the keyword. The restaurants should be displayed from the highest score to the lowest score.
(If there are fewer than three restaurants in the given zip code, all the restaurants should be displayed without duplicates.)
On each iteration, the user should be prompted to enter a new query (for which the program computes the results) or the word ’quit’ to
indicate the termination of the program.
The user should not be prompted for any other response.
If the query entered by the user is invalid, the program should display an error message:
This is not a valid query. Try again.
and allow the user to provide an alternative query.
If the query entered by the user does not return any results, the program should print a message
No matches found. Try again.
If you are not sure what the difference is, research it or ask questions.
2A scored inspection is an inspection for which a numerical score was assigned. For some dates, there are multiple inspection records – often with the same score. The
program should display the information about two most recent dates – this can be two or more actual inspection records.
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CSCI-UA 102, Fall 2019
Project 2
Joanna Klukowska
and allow the user to provide an alternative query.
Matching reults display: If the query entered by the user matches one or more restaurant, the information about all the matching
restaurants should be displayed in the following format:
address : ADDRESS
zip : ZIP
recent inspection results:
All the words in uppercase letters are place-holders for the actual values from the data set. If any of the values is missing, it should be
left blank and the corresponding commas should not be shown. The inspection results should be shown for the two most recent dates of
scored inspection results (i.e., the inspections without an actual score assigned should not be shown in the string).
Sample interaction:
Sample user interaction is shown in Appendix 2.
Data Storage and Organization
You need to provide an implementation of several classes that store the data and compute the results when the program is executed.
In particular, your program must implement and use the following classes. You may implement additional classes and additional methods
in the required classes, if you wish.
Date Class
The Date class is used to represent dates. It should store the numerical values for month, day and year. The class should provide two
Date( String date )
Date (int month, int day, int year)
The first constructor should throw an instance of IllegalArgumentException if it is called with a null parameter, or a string
that does not match either MM/DD/YYYY or MM/DD/YY pattern, or a string that matches the pattern, but for which the values are invalid
(see below). Note: the MM and DD specifications should always be exactly two characters long, so for January 5, 2019, the string will be
”01/05/19” or ”01/05/2019”.
The second constructor should throw an instance of IllegalArgumentException if it is called with invalid numerical values. The
valid values for month are 1-12 (inclusive). The valid values for year are 2000 to 2025 (inclusive). The lower bound for valid values for
day is always 1 and the upper bound depends on the month and year:
• 31 for January, March, May, July, August, October and December
• 30 for April, June, September and November
• 29 for February in leap years: 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2020, 2024
• 28 for February in all other years
There should not be a default constructor.
The class should implement Comparable interface. The result of comparing two Date objects should be that the earlier date
is smaller and the later date is larger.
The class should override the toString() method. It should return a string in the format ”MM/DD/YYYY”.
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CSCI-UA 102, Fall 2019
Project 2
Joanna Klukowska
Note about date column in the data set.
The inspection date in the data set uses two different formats: ”MM/DD/YY HH:MM:SS XM” or ”MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS XM”.
The time shown is always midnight and you can ignore it. But the year is specified either as a four digit or a two digit value. The Date
class constructor should be able to handle either of those. The toString() method should always produce the four digit representation
for the year.
Inspection Class
The Inspection class is used to represent the particular inspection of a restaurant. It should store the date of the inspection, the
assigned score, the violation description and the risk category. The class should provide a four parameter constructor
public Inspection (Date date, int score, String violation, String risk)
The constructor should throw an instance of IllegalArgumentException if
• it is called with null value for date;
• it is called with the score outside of the valid range of 0 to 100 (inclusive).
The two string parameters are allowed to be null or empty (this will happen when there is no violation description and/or risk assesments for the given inspection, i.e., the corresponding column in the data set is empty).
Restaurant Class
The Restaurant class is used to represent restaurants. It should store the following information:
• name of business
• address of business
• phone number
• zip code / postal code
• list of inspections
Note: most of the restaurants appear on multiple rows of the data set since there are more than one inspection records for them.
This class should provide two constructors:
public Restaurant(String name, String zip)
public Restaurant(String name, String zip, String address, String phone)
The following describes acceptable values for each of the constructor parameters. If a constructor is called with an invalid parameter, it
should throw an instance of IllegalArgumentException.
• name – any non-empty string
• zip – a string containing exactly five digits
• address – any non-empty string to indicate the address, null or an empty string when the data is not available (for example,
when the column in the data set is empty)
• phone – any string to indicate the phone number, null or an empty string when the data is not available
There should be no default constructor.3
The class should provide a method
public void addInspection(Inspection inspect)
that adds a given inspection to the list of inspections for the current Restaurant object. The method should throw an instance of
IllegalArgumentException if it is called with null parameter.
This class should implement Comparable interface. The comparison should be done by the name of business as
the primary key (case insensitive, alphabetical ordering – this is the ordering provided by the String object comparison function),
and by the zip as the secondary key (i.e., when two objects that have the same value of name are compared, the comparison should
3A default constructor is one that can be used without passing any arguments.
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CSCI-UA 102, Fall 2019
Project 2
Joanna Klukowska
be performed by zip) (the zip codes should be ordered from smaller numerical value to larger – this is the ordering provided by the
String object comparison function).
This class should override the equals methods. The two Restaurant objects should be considered equal, if their name and zip
are identical (the name comparison should be case insensitive).
This class should override the toString method. It should return a string matching the following format:
address : ADDRESS
zip : ZIP
recent inspection results:
All the words in uppercase letters are place-holders for the actual values from the data set. If any of the values is missing, it should be
left blank and the corresponding commas should not be shown. The inspection results should be shown for the two most recent dates of
scored inspection results (i.e., the inspections without an actual score assigned should not be shown in the string).
The class should provide getters and setters for any data fields that your program may need access to from the outside of the class.
RestaurantList Class
The RestaurantList class should be used to store all the Restaurant objects. This class should inherit from the ArrayList<
Restaurant> class.
The class needs to provide a default constructor that creates an empty RestaurantList object.
The class should implement the following two methods:
public RestaurantList getMatchingRestaurants ( String keyword )
public RestaurantList getMatchingZip ( String keyword )
The first method should return a list of Restaurant objects whose names contain the keyword as a substring (case insensitive). The
second method should return a list of Restaurant object whose zip codes are equal to the keyword. The returned lists should be
sorted according to the natural order4 of their elements. These methods should return null if the functions are called with a keyword
that is either equal to null or an empty string. They should also return null if there are no matches for the keyword.
The class should override the toString method. This method should return a String containing a semi-colon and space separated
list of the names of the Restaurant objects stored in the list. For example, if the three Restaurant objects stored in the list arre
AFC Sushi @ Safeway #1206, Dong Hing, LLC and Fior d’ Italia , than the returned String should be
“AFC Sushi @ Safeway #1206; Dong Hing, LLC; Fior d’ Italia”.
You may implement other methods, if you wish.
SFRestaurantData Class
The SFRestaurantData class is the actual program. This is the class that should contain the main method. It is responsible
for opening and reading the data files, obtaining user input, performing some data validation and handling all errors that may occur
(in particular, it should handle any exceptions thrown by your other classes and terminate gracefully, if need be, with a friendly error
message presented to the user5
You may implement other methods in this class to modularize the design.
4The natural order of elements is determined by the compareTo method defined in the class of the elements.
5The program should never just reprint the exception message as a way of handling an exception. These messages are rarely readable to the ordinary user and make it
seem like the program crashed in response to the exception.
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CSCI-UA 102, Fall 2019
Project 2
Joanna Klukowska
Given Code
To simplify parsing of the data from the input file, you can use the function splitCSVLine. Given a row (a single line) from the input
data set, it returns an ArrayList object containing all the individual entries from that row. This function produces empty
strings to represent entries that were blank within the input line before the last comma. If the last columns in the row are missing, the
returned ArrayList object might have fewer entries.
For example: given a string containing the line:
79804,CurveBall,428 11th St,San Francisco,CA,94103,,,,14150287297,79804_20190325,03/25/2019 12:00:00 AM,,Structural
it returns an ArrayList object with 16 strings:
[“79804”, “CurveBall”, “428 11th St”, “San Francisco”, “CA” , “94103”, “”, “”, “”, “14150287297”, “79804_20190325
“, “03/25/2019 12:00:00 AM”, “”, “Structural Inspection”, “”, “”]
and given a string containing the line:
97105,New King Dumpling,3319 Balboa St,San Francisco,CA,94116,,,,,97105_20190102,02/01/19 12:00 AM,83,Routine –
Unscheduled,97105_20190102_103119,Inadequate and inaccessible handwashing facilities,Moderate Risk
it returns an ArrayList object with 17 strings:
[“97105”, “New King Dumpling”, “3319 Balboa St”, “San Francisco”, “CA”, “94116”, “”, “”, “”, “”, “97105_20190102
“, “02/01/19 12:00 AM”, “83”, “Routine – Unscheduled”, “97105_20190102_103119”, “Inadequate and inaccessible handwashing
facilities”, “Moderate Risk”]
The source code for splitCSVLine is given in Appendix 1. You can use this method as is or modify it if you wish. (You should read
it and make sure that you understand what it does.)
Programming Rules
You should follow the rules outlined in the document Code conventions posted on the course website at
The data file should be read only once! Your program needs to store the data in memory resident data structures.
You may not use any of the collection classes that were not covered in cs101 (for this assignment, do not use LinkedList, Stack,
Queue, PriorityQueue, or any classes implementing the Map interface). You can, and should, use the ArrayList class.
You may use any exception-related classes.
You may use any classes to handle the file I/O, but probably the simplest ones are File and Scanner classes. You are responsible for
knowing how to use the classes that you select.
Working on This Assignment
You should start right away!
You should modularize your design so that you can test it regularly: for example, implement the part of the code that reads and parses
the input file, then implement and test individual classes, then implement the part that provides the interactive part of the program, … .
Make sure that at all times you have a working program. You can implement methods that perform one task at a time. This way, if you
run out of time, at least parts of your program will be functioning properly.
You should make sure that you are testing the program on much smaller data set for which you can determine the correct output
manually. You can create a test input file that contains only a few rows.
You should make sure that your program’s results are consistent with what is described in this specification by running the program on
carefully designed test inputs and examining the outputs produced to make sure they are correct. The goal in doing this is to try to find
the mistakes you have most likely made in your code.
Each class that you submit will be tested by itself without the context of other classes that you are implementing for this assignThese materials are licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 license. 6
CSCI-UA 102, Fall 2019
Project 2
Joanna Klukowska
ment. This means that you need to make sure that your methods can perform their tasks correctly even if they are executed in situations
that would not arise in the context of this specific program.
You should backup your code after each time you spend some time working on it. Save it to a flash drive, email it to yourself,
upload it to your Google drive, push it to a private git repository, do anything that gives you a second (or maybe third copy).
Computers tend to break just a few days or even a few hours before the due dates – make sure that you have working code if that
If your program does not compile or if it crashes (almost) every time it is run, you will get a zero on the assignment. Make sure that you
are submitting functioning code, even if it is not a complete implementation so that you can get partial credit.
If the program does not adhere to the specification, the grade will be low and will depend on how easy it is to figure out what the program
is doing and how to work with it.
40 points class correctness: correct behavior of methods of the required classes and correct behavior of the program
30 points design and the implementation of the required classes and any additional classes
20 points proper documentation, program style and format of submission
10 points academic honesty questionnaire – take in the form of an online quiz
How and What to Submit
For the purpose of grading, your project must be be in the package called project2. This means that each of your submitted
source code files should start with a line:
package project2;
Your should submit all your source code files (the ones with .java extensions only) in a single zip file to Gradescope.
You can produce a zip file directly from Eclipse:
• right click on the name of the package (inside the src folder) and select Export…
• under General pick Archive File and click Next
• in the window that opens select appropriate files and settings:
– in the right pane pick ONLY the files that are actually part of the project, but make sure that you select all files that are
– in the left pane, make sure that no other directories are selected
– click Browse and navigate to a location that you can easily find on your system (Desktop or folder with the course materials
or …)
– in Options select ”Save in zip format”, ”Compress the contents of the file” and ”Create only selected directories”
• click Finish
You may resubmit to Gradescope as many times as you wish before the submission link closes.
For this project, you will see ALL of the results for the autograded unit tests. This will not be the case in future assignments.
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CSCI-UA 102, Fall 2019
Project 2
Joanna Klukowska
Appendix 1: Parsing CSV file
1 /**
2 * Splits the given line of a CSV file according to commas and double quotes
3 * (double quotes are used to surround multi-word entries so that they may contain commas)
4 * @author Joanna Klukowska
5 * @param textLine a line of text to be passed
6 * @return an Arraylist object containing all individual entries found on that line
7 */
8 public static ArrayList splitCSVLine(String textLine){
10 if (textLine == null ) return null;
12 ArrayList entries = new ArrayList();
13 int lineLength = textLine.length();
14 StringBuffer nextWord = new StringBuffer();
15 char nextChar;
16 boolean insideQuotes = false;
17 boolean insideEntry= false;
19 // iterate over all characters in the textLine
20 for (int i = 0; i < lineLength; i++) {
21 nextChar = textLine.charAt(i);
23 // handle smart quotes as well as regular quotes
24 if (nextChar == ’”’ || nextChar == ’u201C’ || nextChar ==’u201D’) {
26 // change insideQuotes flag when nextChar is a quote
27 if (insideQuotes) {
28 insideQuotes = false;
29 insideEntry = false;
30 }else {
31 insideQuotes = true;
32 insideEntry = true;
33 }
34 } else if (Character.isWhitespace(nextChar)) {
35 if ( insideQuotes || insideEntry ) {
36 // add it to the current entry
37 nextWord.append( nextChar );
38 }else { // skip all spaces between entries
39 continue;
40 }
41 } else if ( nextChar == ’,’) {
42 if (insideQuotes){ // comma inside an entry
43 nextWord.append(nextChar);
44 } else { // end of entry found
45 insideEntry = false;
46 entries.add(nextWord.toString());
47 nextWord = new StringBuffer();
48 }
49 } else {
50 // add all other characters to the nextWord
51 nextWord.append(nextChar);
52 insideEntry = true;
53 }
55 }
56 // add the last word ( assuming not empty )
57 // trim the white space before adding to the list
58 if (!nextWord.toString().equals(“”)) {
59 entries.add(nextWord.toString().trim());
60 }
62 return entries;
63 }
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CSCI-UA 102, Fall 2019
Project 2
Joanna Klukowska
Appendix 2: Sample Interaction
Note that some of the text is wider than the shown display. Your program does not need to worry about line-wrapping.
Search the database by matching keywords to titles or actor names.
To search for matching restaurant names, enter
To search for restaurants in a zip code, enter
To finish the program, enter
Enter your search query:
name nopa
address : 560 Divisadero St
zip : 94117
phone :
recent inspection results:
93, 09/04/2018, High Risk, Unclean or unsanitary food contact surfaces
Nopa Liquors & Deli
address : 1601 Fulton St
zip : 94117
phone :
recent inspection results:
100, 06/25/2018
address : 306 Broderick St
zip : 94117
phone :
recent inspection results:
91, 04/19/2019, Low Risk, Unapproved or unmaintained equipment or utensils
91, 04/19/2019, High Risk, Unclean or unsanitary food contact surfaces
90, 04/23/2018, Moderate Risk, Moderate risk food holding temperature
90, 04/23/2018, Low Risk, Unapproved or unmaintained equipment or utensils
90, 04/23/2018, Moderate Risk, Inadequately cleaned or sanitized food contact surfaces
address : 1224 9th Ave
zip : 94122
phone : 14155430303
recent inspection results:
87, 01/16/2019, Low Risk, Low risk vermin infestation
87, 01/16/2019, Moderate Risk, Moderate risk food holding temperature
87, 01/16/2019, High Risk, Improper cooling methods
90, 02/14/2018, Moderate Risk, Employee eating or smoking
90, 02/14/2018, Low Risk, Unclean or degraded floors walls or ceilings
90, 02/14/2018, Low Risk, Low risk vermin infestation
90, 02/14/2018, Low Risk, Improper food storage
Enter your search query:
name clif
address : 495 GEARY ST
zip : 94102
phone :
recent inspection results:
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CSCI-UA 102, Fall 2019
Project 2
Joanna Klukowska
Enter your search query:
zip 94109
address : 1100 PINE ST
zip : 94109
phone : 14155242876
recent inspection results:
100, 12/04/2019
Crostini and Java
address : 899 Hyde St
zip : 94109
phone :
recent inspection results:
100, 08/22/2019
Starbucks #6927
address : 685 Beach St
zip : 94109
phone :
recent inspection results:
100, 07/05/2019
Enter your search query:
find 94109
This is not a valid query. Try again.
Enter your search query:
name zxzxzx
No matches found. Try again.
Enter your search query:
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