Create a Database Assignment


Sample: Create a Database Assignment
Illinois has just passed a mandatory continuing education requirement for registered nurses. As the head of the nursing education department, I am interested in establishing a database for nurses employed at our institution related to their participation in continuing education.
We offer numerous programs in the traditional classroom mode at the University. We also have recently started to offer courses via our University Intranet. Nurses also take courses outside the University.
Field Name Source of Data
Employee ID Human Resources
First Name Human Resources
Middle Initial Human Resources
Last Name Human Resources
Date of Hire Human Resources
Nursing License Number Nursing Office
Department (s) Employed Nursing Office
Certification Number
University Classroom Nursing Education
Certification Date
University Classroom Nursing Education
University Classroom Nursing Education
Certification Number
University Intranet Automatic from Intranet
Certification Date
University Intranet Automatic from Intranet
University Intranet Automatic from Intranet
Certification Source
Other New entry
Certification Number
Other New entry
Certification Date
Other New entry
Other New entry
Note: In the future, it might be possible to merge the University Classroom, University Intranet, and Other into one field each for the field names of certification numbers, dates, and CEU’s .
For classroom sessions, nurses would register on-line and receive their certificates on-line. This data would automatically be entered into the data base. Then the nursing education department would only have to manually enter the outside programs. If this was the case, and the department was interested in whether or not the program was classroom, Intranet, or other, a new field could be created.

Geriatrics Officers Records
The following database embodies records of geriatrics officers across nursing homes in Illinois. The officers are certified and spread across the various elderly care institution. Meanwhile during their operations they will be switched within one care home to the next to allow for sharing of new ideas and avoid monotony to the occupants. This will also minimize molestation cases.
Additionally the geriatrics officers have a chance to take extra classes in the course of their duty by a model courses outside the University. This can be done part time
Field Name Source of Data
Employee ID Human Resources
First Name Human Resources
Last Name Human Resources
Date of Hire Human Resources
License Number Geriatrics Office
Department (s) Geriatrics Office
Number of Certification
University Classroom Geriatrics Education
Date of Certification
University Classroom Geriatrics Education
University Classroom Geriatrics Education
Certification Number
University local database Automatic from Intranet
Certification Date
University local database Automatic from Intranet
University local database Automatic from Intranet
Certification Source
Other New entry
Certification Number
Other New entry
Certification Date
Other New entry
Other New entry
To enable classroom part time sessions, the officers would perform all operations online until they receive their certification as everything will be stored in the database. Also, in future the system will be able to the various aspects in the database eg the University Classroom, University Intranet, and Other into one field each for the field names of certification numbers, dates, and CEU’s.

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