Parliamentary and Presidential Systems Essay Sample


A nation’s pick of authorities defines how the nation’s executive. legislative and judicial subdivisions are to be arranged. All state –state require some kind of authorities to avoid anarchy. Democratic authoritiess are those that allow citizens of states equal say in how their authorities are manages either straight or through elected representatives. Two of the most popular types of democratic authoritiess are presidential and parliamentary systems. These two signifiers of authorities are wholly different from important types of authorities that halt or restrict the direct engagement of citizens. Yet which signifier of authorities organisation is the best. what are their distinguishable characteristics. what are their pros and cons. and is one signifier of authorities better than the other? Which make it the figure one pick for many emerging states? Many political bookmans believe that one signifier of authorities has better characteristics that emerging states will prefer.

The undermentioned subdivisions of this essay are divided into four separate parts.

The first portion outlines the features of the parliamentary systems of authorities. How power is shared between two executives premier curate. president or sovereign in the United Kingdom’s instance. The 2nd portion explains how power is shared between the legislative assembly. judicial and executive powers in a presidential systems of authorities. The 3rd portion gives visible radiation to the many advantages and disadvantages of holding a parliamentary manner of authorities. such as unqualified persons keeping ministerial place. and the built-in jobs of being a caput of authorities. The 4th portion discusses the many strengths of a presidential system of authorities such as political stableness and the many failings of holding a presidential manner of authorities. such as the president non holding to reply to the legislative assembly

Parliamentary and presidential systems have many properties that make them truly a alone signifier of administration. A parliament manner of authorities is a stiff political party system that is in tight control of the executive and legislative subdivisions of authorities. The beginnings of parliamentary manner of authorities day of the months back to the 17 and eighteenth century Britain whereby the first parliamentary manner of authorities was foremost started in the house of Westminster. The Westminster manner of parliamentary administration had two separate parts the House of Common and the House of Lords. Those that represent the House of Common were elected by the populace. while those that represent the House of Lords were either appointed or elected by assorted methods. These methods differed from the 1s used to elect those in the House of Commons. In this type of authorities. the premier curate. who normally performs the of import map of caput of authorities. is normally nominated from the party bulk. He/she is non elected by the general populace during the election season. Besides another property of the parliamentary system of authorities. is that a premier curate can be voted from office in a ballot known as a ballot of no assurance. by fellow political co-workers.

However. a premier curate has the ability to fade out parliament when he or she senses that there is a low degree of political purchase by the premier minister‘s party. this can merely go on with the support of the caput of province. This peculiar signifier of power that is given to the premier curate can be particularly good in the choice of an election day of the month. which can take to higher Numberss of political functionaries from the premier minister’s party. Therefore leting the caput of authorities to keep onto its power and influence over the parliament. Another interesting characteristic of a parliamentary manner of authorities is the function of a duel executive. The caput of the authorities is ever considered to be the premier curate. while the caput of province is ever considered to be the president. which at times can be a sovereign.

For illustration in Canada. the premier curate is the supreme leader of the Canadian authorities ; nevertheless the caput of province is the sitting British sovereign Queen Elizabeth II. who delegates her function to the governor general. The difference between these two executives is that the premier curate has the ability to make up one’s mind on and put to death political determinations and orders. While the president plays or in Canada instance the governor general the function of a symbolic figure. A concluding of import feature of the parliamentary manner of authorities is that the premier curate has the right to jump its curates. This can give the premier curate a better political standing and a more concrete political standing. By making so the caput of authorities can name members of cabinet that decide jointly on a wide scope of issues such as foreign policy. finance. and other capable affair refering the full authorities.

A presidential system of authorities has several distinguishable characteristics that make it different from a parliamentary system of authorities. One of import characteristic is that a presidential system of authorities is a single-person office elected for a fixed period of clip by a distinguishable national constituency. This all of import executive portions about all powers of the federal authorities with a distinguishable and independent Congress. In presidential system of authorities the president is both the caput of authorities and province. One property of this system of authorities is the fact that legislative powers are given to Congress. Congress is a regulating organic structure. which comprises of the Senate and the House of Representative. While executive power is given to the president and judicial power is given to the Supreme Court.

Therefore. power in a sense is clearly broken up between these three signifiers of authorities. This separation of power is defined as “checks and balances” which allows for equal purchase among these three subdivisions and independence. A 3rd distinguishable characteristic is the election procedure that occurs in the presidential systems of authorities. In this system of administration the president is elected straight by the general population. in an election process which is held within a fixed period of clip. In this type of election. the general populace has the duty of voting for an person that portion similar political beliefs and ideas to their ain. While the president has the duty of naming qualified persons for the place of secretary or curate of assorted sections or ministries.

Another characteristic of a presidential system of authorities is that a president can non be removed from office through a ballot of no assurance. unlike a premier curate. This means that the president does non hold to reply to the legislative assembly of Congress. However a President can be removed from office if there are condemnable charges levied on him or her. through a procedure known as impeachment. This is a legal procedure whereby a political functionary is accused of improper activity. Held on test by his or her political equals and removed from office and at times can be reprehensively punished for misbehaviors. This is different from the parliamentary system of authorities where a premier curate can lose his or her place through a ballot of no assurance

There are many advantages and disadvantages of holding a presidential system of authorities or parliamentary system of authorities. which make them genuinely alone signifiers of authorities. The advantage of holding a parliamentary system of authorities is that this type of administration is extremely flexible and more coordinated in comparing to a presidential system of authorities. ( Weaver pg. 20 This system of authorities is more nimble in taking a hereafter leader than a presidential system which follows a stiff process. Besides an advantage of this type of administration is that it gives authorities the ability to equally administer political power between the premier curate. and the bulk political leader.

A 2nd advantage of holding a parliamentary system of authorities is that statute law is rapidly passed. By holding a parliamentary system of authorities. Torahs are rapidly passed and put into action because premier curate is beholden to parliament. This is different in a presidential system where the president has the authorization to blackball Torahs. Besides in parliamentary system of authorities the premier curate is about ever from them bulk party. While in a presidential system the president can at times be from a different political party which makes it hard to go through Torahs and can ensue in a deadlock. In retrospect. a batch of persons believe that holding a parliamentary system of authorities is better due to the fact that statute law can be go throughing more rapidly. ( Weaver pg. 20 )

A concluding advantage of holding a parliamentary system of authorities is that it is easier to take the caput of authorities from office. Due to the fact that the premier curate is answerable to the Torahs regulating the parliament. otherwise known as the legislative assembly. This is different from the presidential systems of authorities whereby the president can merely be removed from office through impeachment. Therefore if the premier curate loses the political backup of the parliament. parliament can therefore force out the executive without any jobs. For illustration. former premier curate of the U. K. Margaret Thatcher was removed from office in 1990 through this process.

There are several disadvantages of holding a parliamentary system of authorities. which make holding a presidential system of authorities more favourable. One failing of a parliamentary system of authorities is that. a premier curate has a little less power and authorization. This is due to the fact that the premier curate is non elected by the populace and lacks the public support of the state. This is apparent in the dismissal of Gordon Brown. premier curate after Tony Blair and the ushering of David Cameron a really popular political figure.

Another perceived con of running this type is authorities disposal is political instability. Political instability can happen in this signifier of authorities if the premier curate is voted from office in a ballot of no assurance. If this should happen and the premier minster is from the regulating party that is non in bulk so political instability can happen. ( Weaver pg. 23 1985 ) Besides there is deficiency of division of authorization unlike the presidential systems which has clear cut subdivisions of authorization from legislative to judicial to executive. An extra failing of this type of authorities is that there are no cheques and balances in this type of administration. which can take to a state of affairs whereby an executive can hold more power than the legislative power. This can take to the premier curate following the directives of the bulk party and disregarding the wants and demands of the minority party. Which can take to the suppression of bipartizan cooperation ( Weaver pg. 23 1985 ) .

A concluding failing of parliamentary system of authorities is that the sharing of power in a parliamentary system can deter engagement by extremely qualified persons. This is due to the fact that there are really few high stations that are unfastened. Besides these few high stations that are unfastened are non unafraid. and can be a major beginning of disheartenment for those seeking political office. However. in the presidential system of authorities those that have been in power the longest. can achieve a higher political office than others. Yet in a parliamentary system. the premier curate can give a curate his or her place. and take away that place besides. This can give those that have the required certificates a intermission and possibly decline a cabinet degree or ministerial place.

There are many pros and cons. advantageous and disadvantageous of holding a presidential systems of authorities. which some say make it better than a parliamentary system of authorities. while others say it has more defects. However a strength that many agree on is the stableness of a presidential system of authorities. The stableness of holding a president that allows the continuance of public policy and avoids unstable political state of affairss is extremely advantageous. An illustration of this is that the president can keep or keep his or her executive powers for given fixed term. while a premier curate can be removed from office through a ballot of no assurance. This type of remotion from office in the parliamentary system of authorities can do a rickety system of authorities and convey disparity of political and economic ploy.

A 2nd strength of this type of presidential system of authorities is an unambiguous election procedure. This proves the fact that by holding a democratic thought whereby every person can show his or her thought on societal and political policy. the right person can be put into office who is an incarnation of these policies. Besides due to this signifier of election the caput of authorities m is able to exercise a strong control over political determinations. and can at times provide policy that the public supports.

A 3rd strength of a presidential system of authorities is that the executive in office can talk for the people of the state as a whole. As a caput of province a president can number on the support of the people. This can be really good when seeking to force for unpopular but necessary plans of authorities such as basic wellness attention coverage for every citizen. Besides a president can number on the support of the people when besides recommending on better economic policies that can increase the general public assistance and national income of a state. This can play a important function particularly if the legislative organic structure blocks or attempts to decelerate down these proposals.

Even though there are many strengths of holding a presidential system of authoritiess there are many disadvantages. One sensed disadvantage is that a presidential system operates under the footing of victor – take –all –rule. This is different from a parliamentary system of authorities where a alliance party is formed. and also-rans have some say in the forming of the authorities. Some believe that holding this signifier of authorities is at times undemocratic because non every voice is held.

In a presidential system of authorities. a president and his or her cabinet members are non answerable to Congress. Although. Congress can establish probe into executive determination or actions. executive functionaries can raise certain “executive privilege “to avoid oppugning on their actions. Due to this split in authorization between executive and legislative. each subdivision of authorities can switch jobs back and Forth doing it hard for the general populace to keep the authorities accountable. However in a parliamentary system of authorities. the authorities is held accountable to the House of Commons for its action. Therefore since the premier curate and cabinet members actively take part in the House of Common. This gives the general populace a better ability to measure the public presentation of the authorities.

Besides. another failing of holding a presidential system of authorities is deficiency of flexible in comparing to parliamentary system. The fixed footings of office in a presidential system can do it hard to decide political issues between the executive and legislative subdivisions. However in a parliamentary system of authorities. if a authorities is unable to retain the assurance of the party that is in bulk in the House of Commons. so they can be removed from office. This besides holds true if the premier curate loses the support of their Caucasus they can be pressured to step down.


Ever since the death of the United Soviet Socialist Republic. besides known as the U. S. S. R. democracy has begun to distribute like wildfire across the Earth. As more states are freshly formed. and forge individuality of their ain. They began to inquire the inquiry which signifier of democracy is the best to regulate their new state. Depending on the unfolding treatment happening in these state and the illustrations of democratic authoritiess they are able to detect. such as the United States. and Canada that both title-holder different signifiers of authorities. They can either take the more classical parliamentary system or less stiff presidential system. In this research conducted the chief aim was to give visible radiation on the differences and common properties of both signifiers of authorities.

The chief difference between these two democratic establishments are the election of the main executive into office. While the most common property is the cognition that the main executive can be removed from office by the legislative assembly in both systems. In decision. from the research conducted most provinces are more likely to choose to a presidential signifier of authorities. The chief drive factors being the stableness. direct support and authorization that the general populace can hold. Which are all factors that freshly formed authoritiess look for when taking a democratic establishment where every citizen’s voice can be heard.


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R. Kent Weaver. Are Parliamentary systems better? Brooking Institutions Press Vol. 3 No. 4 ( summer 1985 ) pp16-25

hypertext transfer protocol: //www. Canada. gigahertz. ca/aboutgov-ausujetgouv/structure/legislative-legislatif-eng. hypertext markup language

hypertext transfer protocol: //info8. juridicas. unam. mx/cont/mlawr/8/arc/arc3. htm

Oxford Handbook of Comparative Politics Oxford University Press pg. 703-726.

hypertext transfer protocol: //www. Canada. gigahertz. ca/aboutgovausujetgouv/structure/legislative-legislatif-eng. hypertext markup language

hypertext transfer protocol: //info8. juridicas. unam. mx/cont/mlawr/8/arc/arc3. htm

R. Kent Weaver Are Parliamentary systems better Brooking Institutions Press Vol. 3 No. 4 ( summer 1985 ) pp16-25

R. Kent Weaver Are Parliamentary systems better Brooking Institutions Press Vol. 3 No. 4 ( summer 1985 ) pg19-25

hypertext transfer protocol: //info8. juridicas. unam. mx/cont/mlawr/8/arc/arc3. htm

Siaroff. Alan. 2003. Comparative Presidencies: The Inadequacy of the Presidential. Semi-Presidential and Parliamentary Distinction. European Journal of Political Research 42:3 ( May ) pg. 287-312.

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