ITECH7405-Project 2 Enterprise Systems Report-Assessment


ITECH7405-Project 2 Enterprise Systems, Semester 1 2016
Marking Guide: Final Report-Assessment #3
(Percentage: 40%, Due Date: Week11)
The project final report highlights the conclusion of the semester’s and project’s work. The objective of this document is to provide comprehensive and detailed information collected and analyzed by the project team to the client with answer the project problems under investigation. It should also provide some potential and possible solutions to this project issue. It is important to note the length of this document can vary from problem to problem and also depends upon the client expectation and requirements. Each project team will must submit a hardcopy (to lecturer) and softcopy (on MOODLE) of the final report in WEEK11. The project final report contributes 40% towards the final marks. ALL students in a group are expected to take an active role in some aspects of the reporting writing and proofreading in order to qualify for the marks awarded. The task of proof reading is equally important as writing. It is important to note that each student must take responsibility of report content and quality.
Group Name:
Student 1 Name/ID: Student 2 Name/ID: Student 3 Name ID :
Section Name Allocated Marks Awarded Marks
Overall presentation and structure of the document 10
Motivation for the project 5
Problem Statement 10
Project Objectives 5
Related Academic and Commercial Research 10
Methodology 10
Data Collection and Analysis 20
Summary of Findings and Recommendation 20
References 10
Total 100
Total out of 40%
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