Develop a credible engineering vision & strategy for the new engineering functions based on the proposed changes


Brief Coursework Requirements ⦿ Produce a presentation that analyzes the current situation (company details attached) and formulates a proposal to instigate change, building on current strengths. The presentation should include: • Develop a credible engineering vision & strategy for the new engineering functions based on the proposed changes. State how this will be implemented and the timeframe of the implementation. • Identify key stakeholders for the engineering function and how they should interface with engineering. • Consider options (minimum three) for a new work structure to meet CEO’s objectives, including outsourcing, task automation and changed work patterns. Present the pros and cons of each option and give your opinion of which option is recommended and why. • Review of team structure and roles, taking consideration of education, experience, capabilities and personality. Propose a future team structure that best delivers the objectives. • Propose personal development plan for all team members, including yourself. • Suggest some meaningful targets and metrics to effectively manage and monitor groups and individuals progress to achieve objectives. • Define a knowledge management strategy for the engineering function to capture current best practice, develop staff (through a succession plan for example) and provide a basis for legislative documentation. • Plan a change management process to affect the changes proposed above, UTILIZING KOTTER’S 8 STEPS. ⦿ The engineering change strategy presentation should be produced and submitted in PPT format. The completed document should be <25 slides, including title page and references. • Slides should make good use of graphics, images, charts, tables, etc. to layout key points. • Supporting description and analysis should be placed in the ‘notes’ section of the slide. • A brief narration should summarize each slide. ⦿ The presentation should reference relevant change theory and supporting references, as appropriate. It is expected that at least 15 high quality cited sources will be used to support the arguments made. __________________________ Requester’s notes: – The detailed coursework requirements are attached. – Four examples have been provided to better understand the assignment. Each of these examples has strong and weak points, and their average scores were between 60’s and 70’s out of 100. This means that you shouldn’t be copying them or using them as face value, but rather view them to see how you can improve your own work. – The references need to be listed below the notes of each slide, and they are excluded from the word count.

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