Abnormal Adult Schology,Assignment two asks you to consider: Should psychologists be covered under OHIP (provincial insurance) when treating a patient for a mental health issue? Currently there are some other professions that are covered under OHIP


Like most good discussion papers you should consider taking the approach of a formal essay. Formal essays typically begin with an argument or position on the topic being discussed (called a thesis). The rest of the paper is the presentation of evidence in support of this position, and finally a conclusion reiterating the thesis and reason for this argument. Keep in mind that your position or argument is irrelevant – you may be for one position, or another, or both, or neither. What we are looking for is the sophistication of the defence of your argument.

An alternate approach may be are view of the current zeitgeist (the general intellectual, moral, and cultural climate) on this topic. This would definitely involve a comparison of past views (including the reading assignment) and current views (other, or outside, sources) on the topic. Keep in mind you only have 3-4 pages to complete your paper.

Good luck!

The post Abnormal Adult Schology,Assignment two asks you to consider: Should psychologists be covered under OHIP (provincial insurance) when treating a patient for a mental health issue? Currently there are some other professions that are covered under OHIP appeared first on mynursinghomeworks.


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